This is how the Washington Post rolled the Biden Administration turd of a response in glitter to pretty it up:

Biden’s low-key approach to storm wins praise but courts risks

Democratic state Rep. James Talarico says the most he’s heard of federal help in his area during the devastating winter storm is a FEMA water truck that apparently got stuck in ice. K.P. George, the top elected official in Fort Bend County, Tex., said federal officials have told him help is on the way — just not fast enough: “We can’t wait another 72 hours to get food and blankets and things like that,” he said.

And U.S. Rep. Colin Allred (D-Tex.), a congressman from Dallas, said what would help most, beyond an infusion of federal dollars, is a visit from President Biden.

“This has been something like the Dark Ages here in Texas,” Allred said. “I mean, people are burning their furniture and their fences for warmth and for heat. They’re finding older folks literally frozen to death in their beds. When the president has toured — seen the damage, spoken to the people who were affected — I think that makes it a little bit hard to say, ‘Well, I’m sorry, you’re going to be on your own.’ ”

These Texas Democrats really seem to be praising Biden, don’t they?

“This is a catastrophic loss across the board,” Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller said by phone from Stephenville, where he was tending his cattle. The storms knocked out this year’s and next year’s citrus crops in three Texas counties, a loss of more than $300 million, and Miller ultimately expects all 254 counties in Texas to be declared federal disaster areas in coming weeks.

“We poured out over 1,600 trailer trucks of milk because we can’t pasteurize it,” Miller said. “It’s affected the poultry farmers, the hatcheries. We’ve got little chicks that froze to death and incubators that we can’t keep warm, so those eggs aren’t going to hatch.”

The storms have killed at least 48 people in the past week, including 30 in Texas, according to data compiled by The Washington Post. Among the dead were people poisoned by carbon monoxide as they ran car engines to stay warm and a boy who authorities believe froze to death in his bed.

That horrible and terrible and tragic.  What did Biden do?  He rejected the Governor’s emergency declaration and only approved a state of emergency in 77 counties.

If Biden’s lack of response during the storm and pathetic response in the wake of it isn’t disappointing enough, perhaps you should know how the Biden Administration fucked over Texas before the storm.

Texas asked the DOE for permission to produce more electricity from fossil fuels.  The DOE approved only on very specific conditions, including continuing to purchase offsets, maintaining environmental impact records, and buying electricity at inflated prices.


So while children and elderly froze to death in their beds, the DOE was squeezing ERCTO’s balls with environmental regulations.

When Conservatives say that the Green New Deal will cause people to die, this is proof of that.

Fuck the DOE.  People are dying, crank up the gas.  The DOE’s position was fuck the people, don’t put too much CO2 in the atmosphere.

Go take a look at the map of the 77 counties Biden declared a disaster in.  Then to take a look at the map of Texas in the 2020 election.  You will notice a lot of overlap between disaster counties and counties that voted Blue or are suburban swing counties.

A once-in-a-century storm hit Texas and the Biden Administration tied Texas’s hands during the storm and ignored it after it was over.

This is why the media is so focused on Cruz taking his family to Cancun.

Biden engaged in a mini weather-related Holodomor in Texas.

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By J. Kb

17 thoughts on “Snow in Texas and the Biden response”
  1. Maybe the White House staff wouldn’t wake Sleepy Joe for this crisis, or perhaps it was just f**k Texas because they voted for Trump.

  2. Why would you hold off generating more power when it’s do it or people die? No matter how much extra generation they added, it wouldn’t have matched what China adds in the same amount of time.

    1. Because the administration considers people dying a feature, not a bug. After all, it was an opportunity to hammer a populace that went heavily for Trump

  3. Couldnt help but think 3 days after when we weren’t hearing anything about a federal response in the media that had this been Trump or a Republican in general they’d be absolutely crucifying him/them.

    1. Or if it happened to New Jersey, A “Nimitz” class carrier would be docked at Bayonne to supply power within 10 hrs.

  4. A natural gas compressor station powered by electricity is not good. Producers who depend on electricity to power their operations were left with no way to pump natural gas. And that gas was needed more than ever to generate electricity.

    All compressor stations should run on the natural gas, like a turbine/centrifugal compressor or a reciprocating engine/reciprocating compressor.

    Electric centrifugal compressors without onsite generators powered by natural gas invites disasters such as this one.

    It was a death spiral. Ercot cut power to natural gas compressor stations, needed by Ercot to produce electricity. Additionally, Ercot opted out of winterizing the electrical generating plants because following Covid-19 protocol would be too expensive.

    Here is some insight, possibly:

    Don’t count on Rachel Adams-Heard, Javier Blas, and Mark Chediak to comprehend what they were told, though.

  5. I’m expecting a cat 5 shitstorm out of this down here. And if they can do this to Texas, watch out Florida when the hurricanes come.

    Time for some nullification around here. Next time, simply crank the juice. Why notify the feds one bit? Questions you know the answers to need not be asked.

    Here’s another thought – Home depot had an entire aisle of generators.

    Next time, if there is one, expect thousands of generators to be humming. Utterly cancels any green efforts whatsoever.

    I tell my greenie friends up north that one summer here in the heat and you’ll burn tires if it would run the AC. Same with cold.

    I myself will be buying a much bigger generator than I had planned, and will stock fuel for it. You have to add more to your plans these days, because benign neglect is over. Now they are actively working against you.

    1. Speaking of generators, this really shows the potential downsides of having a generator plumed right into the gas service if the gas service is no longer operating during an outage…

      1. Indeed. The larger generators run on gas, either natural or propane. Until pipe line companies switch back to reliable compressors, the right answer clearly is propane. Easy enough to get in rural areas.

        1. Correct. Rustproofed tanks buried underground can store massive amounts of propane. 1500 gallon tank holds 2.5 tons propane.

          1. Indeed. I have propane for cooking and gas fireplace/exhaustless heaters and its awesome. It is reasonably cheap but I find the gas industry sketchy in general since you can’t see daily prices like you can with oil, but an 80 gallon tank will last forever if you just use it for cooking, we haven’t required a refill in 3yrs just using it for cooking, we hardly use the fireplace or heaters.

  6. Consider how quickly dot gov has gotten behind the new administration where it was one or two years before many of them had even gotten around to responding for information requests from the Trump admin.

    It’s truly the unelected desk despots running things and holding their thumb down.

  7. What I don’t understand is why Texans give a f*** what the DOE or EPA think. Nor do I understand why Gov. Abbott let them get away with that.
    If I were in his shoes I would have told them “Crank up the power, disregard any Federal regulations that stand in the way. Comply NOW”. Then if the feds bitch about it, file a suit in the SCOTUS against the USA for deliberately seeking harm and death of US citizens. Oh by the way, I think the Constitution says that’s treason.

  8. ERCOT board members who live outside of Texas are resigning in the aftermath of the power outage, winter storm

    Five board members, including the chair, who do not live in Texas will resign. A candidate for another position on the board has withdrawn his application. The vacancies will not immediately be filled.

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