So have I, but they are personal accounts rather than this blog. And there is a reason: WordPress’ Jetpack refuses to add Gab and MeWe to their Connections app. They do promise that as soon as they see a trend towards those places, they may consider doing something or another.
Connections is simply a little widget that automatically sends a notification to Facebook and Twitter that a new post is available in the blog. This is mighty convenient when you happen to have a couple of guys that publish six or seven posts a day.
The way Social Media and Publishing App companies are behaving, I doubt that we will see Jetpack/Wordpress giving any help to free Social Media.
Oh well.
Was listening to Rush today and he was saying that facebook and twitter were working on removing “conservitive” posts…they look for key words and if it sounds conservitive,read “non democrat” they will remove the post. How gentile and kind these sukwads are. REMEMBER all this crap come November.
If dems get back the majority kiss America goodby.
If it is free, you are not the customer. You are the product.
Your identity, preferences, buying habits, personal habits, everything is being sold to other companies and Government Agencies, probably including the Democrats and Republicans.
I’m thinking about joining GAB, especially with all the censorship going on at Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. I’ve always said that one should run their own, self-hosted blog so that you can post what you want without “Big Brother” limiting what you can say. I do wish Apple would allow the Gab app. Apple should ban all the Twitter apps with some of the pictures posted over there.