Oh sweet Louise… The Outpost Armory.

Saying that the place is huge would be shortchanging it. The pic above just shows less than half of the building. And then you walk in and start crying, OK, I did.

What you see in the back on the right is their range. I saw IIRC 14 lanes, top of the line and later I found out they even have two 100 yard positions. Yikes!

You may know the owners as they also build some rifles you may have heard about:

Yup, those Barrets.

And this is Carl the guy who will be responsible for my death or early divorce because he keeps taking me to places like this. This photo is taken from almost one end of the store and the middle is what you see at the end: The entrance to the range.

They had just about any kind of gun imaginable plus ammo, knives and the rest of everything that could make a shooter happy.

This is just a part of the rifle wall.

And a view of the range from outside.

This broke my will and I was ready to break coinage, but unfortunately the little guy was not for sale.

Price wise? Even Gun Country Tennessee is showing the drought prices. Some things I saw that were less than back in South Florida and even online.

I need to hit the lotto.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

9 thoughts on “So I went to this little gun shop called The Outpost Armory.”
      1. Update – I showed this to Mrs B.

        Got WLOMDed *, and a hard “No.”

        Ah, well.

        * Wife look of menacing doom.

  1. Ah yes, I know this place well. Was wondering when you’d get around to visiting it. 😀

    Used to stop by and stock up on parts & ammo on my occasional travels to/from Kentucky… definitely one of the highlights of them trips.

  2. Nice Barretts — not sure where I could safely shoot them, though.

    Did you notice the labels on some of those boxes on the shelves below that Barrett display case? 🙂

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