Amazon’s facial recognition technology falsely matched nearly 30 professional athletes to individuals in a mugshot database, the Massachusetts chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) said.

Amazon’s technology, called Rekognition, has faced similar criticism in the past. Earlier this year, the ACLU found that it also mistook one in five California lawmakers for criminals, according to the Los Angeles Times.

Last week, the Massachusetts ACLU chapter announced that it compared headshots of 188 athletes from New England professional sports teams to a database of 20,000 mugshots. The athletes were from the Boston Bruins, the Boston Celtics, the New England Patriots, and the Boston Red Sox.

Amazon’s facial recognition misidentified Boston athletes as criminals

I don’t see the failure. Do you?

Ht Tip Kevin C.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “So it actually works.”
    1. NRW: My thought on that bit was, “It mistook one in five California lawmakers as criminals. The other four were accurately identified as criminals.”

    1. Not surprising. ACLU has been against the right to keep and bear arms for a long time, too.

      Regardless of what they profess, a group that sh!ts on 10% of the Bill of Rights, will have no qualms sh!tting on the other 90% when politically convenient. ACLU just kept the charade going longer than most.

      1. Back in the seventies (when the ACLU was defending the right of nazis to march in protests) someone said that if the ACLU defended the Second Amendment as vigorously as they did the First and Fifth, machine gun ownership would be mandatory.

  1. NRW: My thought on that line was, “It mistook one in five California lawmakers as criminals. The other four were accurately identified as criminals.”

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