Hillary 2.0 getting the “wetsies” for Justin and the morons at Rollings Stone asking a really dumb question.

I am gonna need an extra cup of coffee this morning.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “So much fail in one Tweet”
  1. Sure, let the guy who gave $10 million to a terrorist who murdered American troops become POTUS.

    Of course, these are the same people who people who support Obama after he have $1.7 billion to Iran. Iran of course sent advanced weaponry to insurgents in Iraq.

    The Dems need to just run on that platform.

    Q: “How do you suppose we combat terrorism?”

    Dem: “Well, we are going to pay terrorists and the states that support it millions and billions of dollars.”

    Q: “Wait, how will that stop terrorist attacks.”

    Dem: “It wont, we just like terrorists more than US troops. Have you not figured that out from our attitude to wards police and the thugs that kill them?”

  2. “Hillary 2.0 getting the “wetsies”…”

    I think I’m gonna vom… yep, gonna vom bigly. 😛

  3. Killing the EPA? Do they mean the EPA that has been strangling industry? The EPA that has, itself, caused catastrophic environmental damage? The EPA that’s been taking over legitimate private property, without cause or compensation, because of “waterways”? Trump’s killing that EPA? Yes please and thank you.

  4. The Rolling Stone hasn’t been worth a dang since Hunter Thompson died and PJ O’Rourke left.

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