From the NSSF:


NSSF®, the trade association for the firearm industry, updated retail survey-based estimates and concluded that nearly 5 million Americans purchased a firearm for the very first time in 2020. NSSF surveyed firearm retailers which reported that 40 percent of sales were conducted to purchasers who have never previously owned a firearm.

NSSF tracks the background checks associated with the sale of a firearm based on the FBI’s National Instant Background Check System (NICS). NSSF-adjusted NICS checks for January through July 2020 is a record 12.1 million, which is up 71.7 percent from the 7.1 million NSSF-adjusted NICS January through July 2019. This equates to nearly 5 million first-time gun owners in the first seven months of 2020.

NSSF surveys revealed that 58 percent of firearm purchases were among African American men and women, the largest increase of any demographic group. Women comprised 40 percent of first-time gun purchasers. Retailers noted that they are seeing a 95 percent increase in firearm sales and a 139 percent increase in ammunition sales over the same period in 2019.

From Pittsburgh Quarterly:

‘It’s Been Crazy’: Gun Sales Break Records

Gooch Ionadi has seen spikes in gun sales before. He’s come to expect a surge of buyers at his Smoke ‘N Guns shop when a mass shooting rekindles debate over gun control laws. And presidential elections are busy years, as a rule. But nothing compares to the last four months.

“I’m seeing little old women, little old men in their 70s and 80s buying,” the Oakmont gun and tobacco shop owner said. “They’ve never owned a gun in their lives. I’m seeing single mothers. It’s been crazy.

Obama’s record as gun salesman of the year has been broken.

The Democratic party, especially governors and mayors who have used COVID as an excuse to empty jails, jumped on the “defund the police” bandwaggon, and have downplayed or supported Antifa and the BLM riots have blown Ol’ Barry’s record out of the water.

The fact that the Democrats have made it clear that the political violence will only get worse if Trump wins means that this trend is going to continue through till election day and perhaps beyond.

What we have been saying about why people should own guns, i.e., when the shit hits the fan you are on your own and cannot rely on the cops to save you, has been proven again and again in major cities across the country on live TV and social media almost every night.

The public is responding.

I know a lot of you are thinking “but they will still vote Democrat.”

Yeah…. I’m thinking not.  When you have people who have gone unarmed for so long finally decided it’s time to buy a gun, it’s because reality has hit them like a Leftist’s skateboard to the face.

Filling out that first 4473 is them pulling the foil safety seal off the top of their container of red pills.  When nobody is looking inside the voting booth, they are going to pop one.

At least that’s my suspicion, I hope it’s true.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “So much winning”
  1. Certainly not a guarantee, but I think buying a gun is a big step. Especially for many people who previously hated guns and thought no one but police should have them.

    1. Been looking to contribute to the count for a couple of months now but prices are still kinda cray-cray for the shottie I want. :-/ Hoping for a break soon, as production appears to be catching up… maybe.

  2. Yesterday’s WSJ mentioned that S&W revenues more than doubled last quarter compared to the same quarter a year ago.

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