At least that is what this video appears to say since it does not mention the actual occupant of the White House.
I love the micro-measured outrage from these idiots. I am sure they are pissed, but none had the gonads to say: “Hey President Obama! Stop Watching Us! Corral the damn NSA!” Instead they go for the usual and perennial suspect.
Because, you know, if the even hint that Obama must do something about it, that would be racist.
Nixon ordered spying on the Internet? Cell phones? Really? Are these folks really that fucking stupid? Dear Lord…
Having read some of their comments, yes. Yes, they are AT LEAST that stupid.
If I’ve learned anything from following Gallup since the beginning of the Shutdown, it’s that 40% of the US population will blindly follow Obama no matter what he does. One of those people contributes to the rent in the house I’m living in.
I agree with what you said. I liked the video, but nowhere in it does anyone call out Obama. These are the same people that vilified Bush for doing a lot of the same things. Nixon had his faults, but I still think he was a better President than what we have now. I still think the only thing he did that the others didn’t was to get caught.
There has been secrecy in the government ever since there was one. Some of their secrets I understand. But the crap that is going on right now is just plain bullshit. Yet the sheep won’t stand up and say enough. Because it’s the One, he gets a pass.
Note to NSA; this is my opinion, kiss my ass.
Based on the political history of the GOP for the last fifty years, Goldwater and Reagan were the anomalies; Nixon was the norm. Sad, eh?
And I’m not so sure about Reagan, given that he actually proved to be electable.
Reagan was Reagan. When I first heard it in 1976 I knew this was a guy I would vote for.
Reagan was Reagan. He was the anomaly. When I first heard him speak at the Republican national convention in 1976, when I was 20 years old, I knew this was a guy that I would vote for and support.
Contrariwise, I have never voted for a winner.
Would you mind voting for Hillary in 3 years, just in case that trend continues?
Please forgive me for devolving to superstition, but that comes rather too close to tempting fate for my comfort.
Not that it really matters; I live in NY. My vote has never really counted for anything. It’s not exactly a swing state.
I don’t blame you. Even if I was sure that my vote could cause someone to lose, I don’t have the stomach to betray my morals like that.
Of course, I’ve never been accused of lacking enthusiasm.