If you ever had your Red Dawn fantasies of shooting invading forces while yelling “Wolverines!”  Good news, it’s coming.

From Military Times:

Defense secretary orders 60-day stand-down to confront extremism in the military

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has called on the services to conduct a 60-day stand-down on the issue of extremism in the military, prompted by the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol and subsequent reports of both active-duty and former service members attending a rally calling to overturn the 2020 election and the riot that ensued.

Austin held a meeting Wednesday of the service secretaries and Joint Chiefs, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby told reporters, to ask them about their concerns and ideas for improving the situation.

“Even though the numbers might be small, they may not be as small as we would like them to be, or we believe them to be,“ Kirby said of the prevalence of troops with extremists views, ties or activities. “And that no matter what it is, it is not an insignificant problem.”

“The events of Jan. 6 served as a wake-up call for this department,” Kirby said.

At the same time, reports of current or recently discharged service members espousing support for or participating in violent attacks against government officials have popped with regularity in recent years.

A two-month window would allow enough time for units to strategize and schedule how they’ll stand down, rather than declaring a specific day for everyone to do the same work.

The whole military is going on stand-down to purge its ranks of white supremacists.

Let me make this absolutely clear: I hate white supremacists.  Actual factual Neo-Nazis and Klansmen.  A soldier who looks like he should be an extra in American History X has no business in uniform.

The problem is, since the election of Donald Trump, the definition of “white supremacist” has drifted.  Remember that the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History & Culture concluded that having a strong work ethic and believing in a meritocracy is white supremacy.

I don’t know what standard is for white supremacist that the military is using, but what concerns me isn’t the kicking out of the guy with a 1488 tattoo on his neck but the Captain who decided to promote to E-5 the soldier who showed the highest level of competency on his annual evaluations without regard for NCO diversity initiatives.

My fear is that after they toss out the actual white supremacists, it will be an anti-Conservative ideological purge.

A sixty-day military stand-down and purge of the competent officer class.  Where have I seen that before?

The last time that happened, the Germans almost took Moscow.

If I were an enemy commander, I think I would start planning my invasion for 60 days from now.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “So… we’re going to be invaded”
  1. With all due respect, i highly doubt the number of actual white supremacists in the military is of any significance. Most vets I know consider it a brotherhood that transcends race. That term is currently a catch all for whites and non-whites who don’t pledge personal loyalty to the current crop of elites. In other words, all of this is a show. Always has been.
    We’re looking at the expulsion of pretty much everyone who takes the Flag and the soldier’s Creed seriously. What’s left will essentially be a Gestapo who will then be sent after every dissenting voice.
    Don’t lose the forest for the trees; your concern is pretty much buried by the seriousness of the situation.

  2. I expect the stand-down is designed to purge the military of those who would refuse to obey the illegal order to seize the weapons of American citizens. If out “dear leaders” are going to disarm the public, they will need a large army of people who don’t mind trampling on the rights of citizens.

    BTW, love your cookie statement!

  3. A military in an authoritarian country is there primarily to protect the government from the biggest threat. In this country, the biggest threat to the government is its own citizens. The military is being reoriented to address this threat.
    China has nothing to fear from our nation, we are a Chinese territory now. Ditto Russia, since our crown prince is a wholly owned subsidiary.

  4. I fully expect that when Vice President Kamala Harris is sworn in as President she will have the US Military and Federal Government Employees swear loyalty to her as the Leader of the United States. Sadly, no one in Government, News Media, Big Technology, or any of the Fortune 1000 businesses will see any problem with that.

    Just like they did in that little Central European country about eighty years ago.

  5. Gee, I wonder if there is any interest in purging the West Point grad with the Che shirt on under his uniform blouse? ?

  6. Personally, I think you could put all of the actual white supremacists in the US into one good sized McDonald’s. I’m 67 and I think I may have met one in my life. Maybe.

    I’m with the first three on what it’s really about.

  7. “My fear is that after they toss out the actual white supremacists, it will be an anti-Conservative ideological purge.”

    You say that as if it isn’t already obvious that an anti-patriot purge isn’t transparently the whole point of this shindig.

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