Mona Eltahawy is a feminist author.  She wrote a book about her struggle as a woman and her final solution to the patriarchy.

These are excerpts of her writings:

I am a believer in justice.

If you said to me: “I believe that rape should be a capital crime.  If a man rapes a woman, he should be arrested, tried, and if convicted un a court of law, he should be executed.”

I would agree. That is justice.

Mona explicitly says she doesn’t want that.

I am also a believer on self defense.

If you said to me: “I want women to conceal carry so that if a woman is attacked, she has the tools necessary to defend herself against a stronger male aggressor.”

Again, I agree with that.

Mona does not.

Mona believes in a nebulous conspiracy by men to oppress women through rape that she calls the patriarchy.  She wants random, innocent men to be murdered to attack the patriarchy in an act of gender identity terrorism or mutually assured destruction.

This is not justice. This is collective punishment.  Isn’t not stopping individual rapists – detested by other men, by the way – but about hating men as a collective.

This is social justice, where criminals are given a pass but people with the wrong identity are tortured or murdered.

I have a daughter and a son.  I am absolutely sure my wife would not want to live in a world where to protect our daughter from harm we have to accept some crazy feminist murdering our son.

That fantasy is a sickness and is everything wrong with the Woke Left and social justice.

These people are evil.

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By J. Kb

18 thoughts on “Social justice is the antithesis of justice”
  1. Blood guilt, because you have a Y chromosome you are automatically guilty of rape. Aside from the obvious implications for the future of the human race, I wonder exactly how theses woke women will kill the men? I’m sure MS. Elthahawy, like a good German Liberal, doesn’t believe in private ownership of firearms. The average woman, taking on the average man with a knife or bare fists is a loosing proposition. There is a reason Col. Colt marketed his revolvers as “Equalizers.”

    I suppose there is always poison, but that misses the point. If the idea is that the murdered men cause other men to fear rapping a woman, then their deaths have to tied to the woke feminist brigade, not attributed to natural causes or an anonymous perpetrator.

  2. My lady and I have often had the discussion about rape and false accusations of rape.

    As far as I can tell, every women I’ve ever dated has been raped. Maybe that is bad choices in women but it seems to be the case. There is a lot of rape that happens and much of it is unreported.

    There is also way to many false accusations. At this point, most divorce lawyers suggest but don’t say outright, that a women claim abuse and/or rape by their husband during as one of the reasons for the separation.

    It is nasty out there.

    So my lady and I have come to the agreement that if we are going to have the punishment for rape be so harsh, and it should be. My personal choice for rapist is castration but then I’m a kind soul. BUT the punishment for a false accusation should be exactly the same as if the person falsely accused were to have been found guilty.

    She is concerned that this will lead to fewer rapes being reported. I feel her pain in this regard. I watched what happened to the children of my friend when her ex husband was accused of being a kiddy diddler by those children, 16 and 18 years old when they told the police. His lawyer got up in court and claimed that the younger girl, at the age of 11-12 was coming on to him in a sexual way and that she instigated the sexual acts.

    She had to sit there and not react to these accusations and more shitty stuff during that trial.

    But if the accused rapist is found “not guilty” there should be an automatic charge of false accusation of rape filed and that should go to court. No if ands or buts. It goes to trial. It might be the case that both the accused rapist and the accuser are found “not guilty” in a court of law. But it needs to happen.

    My lady use to sneer at the “men’s rights” groups, until she was a part of the trial. At which point she had to talk to some of the victim advocates and she found out just how devastatingly slanted the justice system is against men when they are falsely accused.

    And she got to see the other side of divorces where she learned just how bad the family courts treat men.

    I wonder how much this lady would be screaming for “blood justice” when the accuser could have the same punishment applied to them?

    1. “As far as I can tell, every women I’ve ever dated has been raped.”

      I can’t quite claim the same, but still hear many women state that they’ve been sexually assaulted. And for those who go into lurid detail about the event, well, my main opinion as I sit there listening is that there is nothing about their story that even comes close to a legal definition of rape. Mostly they either had sex when they didn’t want to (but felt peer pressure, social pressure, etc.), or else had sex and later regretted it. They have been taught that sex they didn’t want is rape. If I even suggest that there are legal definitions, then I’m just as bad as the rapist. Hmmm.

  3. I once dated a woman who proposed that men who wanted to be out of doors at night would have to be castrated.


  4. Lady (and I use the term loosely), go prattle your feminist views in the middle east…heck, make it ez for you and just do 1 country there, like Iran for example, and show me tangible results. I’ll wait.

    Till then, all I hear from you is a harpy squaking.

  5. It’s time to build asylums again, and put the violent insane in them. Lunatics like this deserve isolation and sedation, not attention.

  6. I insist we push the conversation until we get to the part where men fear women enough that rape becomes an anomaly.

    The vast majority of men do not rape, and in fact detest rapists in the same sense we detest kiddie diddlers. Many of us would go out of our way to provide help to women in distress.

    Rape is also not a one-to-one crime — each individual rape is not committed by a different man. Many if not most rapists commit multiple. Thus, the number of rapes is not indicative of the number of rapists out there.

    In short, rape already is an anomaly.

    That is, unless you’re some kind of misandrist uber-feminist who believes that all sex is rape, and therefore all men are rapists or future rapists.

    I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that Ms. Mona here belongs in that camp.

  7. Does she want to get “A Handmaiden’s Tale”? Because this is how you get “A Handmaiden’s Tale”.

  8. Depends on how you define rape. Lately, it seems like rape is defined as the woman retroactively changing her mind after the deed has been done. Sometimes decades after.

  9. The part that jumped off the page at me was she said, “it will keep killing more and more men until the patriarchy sends a representative to talk”

    That can’t happen because the patriarchy doesn’t exist!! There’s no such organization!

    Oh, and any word in front of the word “justice”, like social justice or racial justice or whatever, magically transforms it into the word discrimination. There is just justice. Blind justice that treats everyone the same.

    1. My thoughts exactly. How the hell is “The Patriarchy” supposed to “send a representative”? All males worldwide form an organization known as “The Patriarchy” and hold a global vote to elect a single man to be our representative to The Womyn? You can’t have a “Representative” of an organization that doesn’t exist, and it’s laughable to think that any one man could possibly fairly represent all males even in the United States, let alone among all the males among all cultures. And another thing, are they going to make the mass murders proportionate to the amount of rape, misogyny and oppression found among different ethic and cultural groups worldwide? Because it’s hardly fair to murder them all equally when rape and misogyny and oppression of women is many times worse in Africa, Arabia, Asia…just about everywhere in the world, in fact. But somehow I can’t imagine a Leftist female proposing to murder African, Asian and Arabian males at two, four, ten times the rate of whites to account for the higher levels of oppression found in those nations. There are places in Africa where the rape rate is basically 100%, where a woman who goes outside alone WILL be raped, period. Places where they cannot vote, cannot even speak without male permission, where they will be killed for showing their face to a non-family member.

  10. And they ask “why do you keep perpetuating this false stereotype that all feminists are unstable, man-hating harpies?”
    I wonder.
    But it’s okay, she’s just IMAGINING mass murder of another identity group based on their group affiliation, not actually PROPOSING it. And if you just fantasize about in and dress it up as a semi-intellectual “thought experiment”, it’s okay, right? And like she says, the world “is okay” with violence against women, so what’s the difference between many individuals making the choice to commit rape on female individuals, and rounding up thousands of random males and executing them based on their sex? I mean, one is violence against women, and the other is violence against men, so what’s the difference, right? Just like there is no difference between killing armed combatants of another nation in combat and rounding them up and sending them to the gas chambers. They are both violence against another cultural group, so they are EXACTLY THE SAME, see?
    That and demanding men globally somehow determine amongst themselves a Representative to speak for them all, who goes and meets “The Women” to beg for His Side’s lives. How does an organization that doesn’t exist except as a nebulous intellectual idea select a representative? How can one man represent all men globally on the basis of them all being “male”, in spite of all the cultural differences? Where do trans “men” and “women” fall on this scale? Hermaphrodites? What if I’m biologically male, but identify as a female? Are they going to adjust the rate of murders to reflect the astronomically different rates of violence and oppression against women found in different culural groups, or will the most peaceful, decent men be murdered at the same rate as the most violent, misogynistic of African and Arabian males?
    And of course, how exactly do “The Women” propose on organizing amongst themselves, and how do they plan on carrying out this murderous campaign? What if the men, instead of meekly submitting to being murdered, get ideas of defending themselves? And if they can’t determine WHICH women are behind the murders, the logical result is that all the men globally seize arms and turn on the nearest women they can find in self defense, and end up murdering millions of women who probably had nothing to do with it (and most of whom probably totally disagree with it anyway), and driving the rest into concentration camps? This is what would happen outside of a stupid homicidal fantasy. The men are not going to meekly let themselves be murdered, particularly not in the places where there really IS a Patriarchy and they consider themselves morally obligated to murder or beat any woman who steps out of line (i.e. not Western nations). By a very long shot scenario we could end up with regions controlled by “The Women” and others by “The Men”, in open combat with each other, with no doubt millions of both sexes trapped between the lines and being murdered and abused horrifically as a result. But that is very unlikely. The more likely result is a REAL Patriarchy, with women rigidly controlled as slaves, and the men now convinced that they do so out of self preservation, not just for other less justifiable reasons.

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