It has been reported that some Orthodox Jews in New York have started open carrying rifles outside of their synagogue after the Monsey Hanukkah mass stabbing.

Yes!   Finally!

It’s about time that the Jewish community makes it clear that they will defend themselves because nobody else will.


That looks like a lot of brazen NY SAFE Act non-compliance.

I know what you are about to say, and you are right.

The NY SAFE Act is a piece-of-shit unconstitutional law, passed in the dead of night by a piece-of-shit Governor who thinks he is the King of New York and thinks New York should rule the rest of the US as its fiefdom.  Cuomo has taken the nickname of New York as the Empire State to heart and believes himself to be its Augustus Imperator Divi Filius.

We in the gun community scoff at the anti-gun machinations of political leaders who demand registration, buybacks, and confications,  pointing out that the estimated compliance rate with the NY SAFE Act was at most 3%, and we cheer on such failures with statements about “boating accidents.”

But non-compliance can’t be brazen – at least not yet.

Since Hanukkah just ended, I will say non-compliance with laws like the NY SAFE Act is to be like Jews under Seleucid rule.  To the tyrannical empire, you must look like you are in compliance.  Jews would put a statue of Zeus in their home, and then study Torah secretly at night.  This is where the tradition of the Dreidel comes from.

The New York gun owner with AR-15s can clean them and fondle them with the doors locked and the curtains closed.  That is until, like the Maccabbe revolt, all shit breaks loose.

Standing outside a Synagogue carrying an AR-15 with a 30 round magazine is the fastest way to get the government of New York, which already engages in the malicious neglect of the Orthodox Jewish community to crack down on it.

They will parade this around as:

“Nobody is above the law.  We sent the police there to protect them.  They can’t take the law into their own hands.”

And the Jews will pay a worse price.

The Orthodox Jew and American lawyer and legal scholar Ron Coleman made this argument on Twitter (unrolled for easy reading):

Many friends are saying hasidim and orthodox Jews in New York and New Jersey should do what law enforcement won’t and protect ourselves – punch back twice as hard.

Yeah, that’s what the Proud Boys did. How did that work out?
This is not a matter of courage. Jews know how to fight if necessary – maybe you’ve heard of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising? The State of Israel?

And hasidim are not, contrary to popular belief, kosher versions of the Amish. They’re not pacifists and they’re actually fearless.
But we have few options. The Proud Boys verdict stands for the proposition that self-defense is not recognized as an option if you’re politically incorrect.

And orthodox Jews are back to being politically incorrect. That’s why “Jewish leaders” have left us to twist in the wind.
Friends say, “arm yourselves,” but citizens are routinely denied the constitutional right to do in New York City and for all practical purposes in most of the metropolitan area.

This policy is routinely approved by the courts.
So we are at the mercy of state power that abhors almost everything about us – our values, our way of life, our rejection of the immorality they affirmatively promote.

They don’t abhor the taxes we pay, but otherwise we represent an… inconvenient truth. Or two.

He is right.

The Left hates very few things more than they hate a Jew with a gun ready to defend themselves.  That is a Jew that left the Planation, and any minority that does that must be stomped out.  That’s why runaway slaves were killed, to prevent them from telling the other slaves about life outside, and to serve as a warning to others.

I have no doubt that the NY AG and Governor who have mad big deals about fighting the NRA and gun industry would be more than happy put Orthodox Jews in prison for their ARs for longer than people who attacked the Jews in the first place.

Do not comply with registration and disarmament, just don’t do it brazenly and get caught doing it.

In this day and age, where everyone has a cellphone with a camera and a Twitter account, taking your AR outside and letting someone take a picture of you with it is the very definition of “probable cause.”

Jews should stand guard at Synagogue, armed, ready to defend themselves and others.  But in New York (or California, or New Jersey, or any Blue state), a pump-action shotgun or lever-action rifle will be equally effective.  Be extra careful to be absolutely 100% within the letter of any gun control law, just to avoid giving the powers that be the slightest iota of a reason to turn you into the bad guy.

Keep the AR-15 in the attic until the shit hits the fan.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “Some Jews have figured it out and a lot more”
  1. On the AR’s in the picture – the one on the far left could be legal, if the mag is “fixed”. The one on the right appears that it might be a compliant, featureless AR. Those ones can accept detachable magazines. However, the standard capacity magazine is illegal in NY. The AR in the middle appears to be full featured, naughty, and thereby illegal in NY. Unless the guy registered it (bwahaha), in which case he could still own it.

    So in summary, full featured AR with a fixed magazine and a featureless AR that accepts detachable magazines are both legal in NY, and don’t have to be registered. Just goes to show how dumb the SAFE Act is.

  2. I think this is exactly the right time for non-compliance. If the state arrests them, scream “antisemitic policy” from the rooftops. And do major shaming of all the politicians who practice victim disarmament.
    By the way: my wife was wondering “why rifles not handguns?” Any answers? My guess is that rifles are not as hard to get in the disarmed victim zone of NY.

    1. You can get a rifle in 15 minutes at a store. Handgun permits take months in some counties, except in NYC, where they are almost impossible to get.

  3. It won’t matter when the state, and I do mean ‘when’ passes legislation banning firearms in places of worship. Even if the place of worship allows it or even wants it it will be illegal. Because that gets in the way of more dead bodies to dance upon to call for more gun control. If the body count is big enough it might even push federal legislation. A pile of dead bodies caused by their own policies is a small price to pay to Bring them one step closer to their ultimate goal: the total ban of all private gun ownership with forced confiscation and the complete and total extermination of every single solitary gun owner in the country and all gun rights proponents as well as the extermination of the entire United States population that opposes the extermination of all gun owners in the country. What percentage of United States population would oppose the government killing large amounts of the population for opposing the government? The only group that wouldn’t oppose the government mass killing tens of millions of people is the far left which comprises of around 10% of the population. Which means to the far left the ultimate goal is the extermination of 90% of the entire United States population. Minus those with brown skin unless they are conservative or Christian. Especially if they came here illegally. Even more so the Jews since every Jew that doesn’t vote party is not useful and must be exterminated. And once they’re in power exterminate the rest. Maybe throw a few nukes at Israel for good measure. Opposition to the far left progressive utopia cannot exist so everyone that would oppose there left progressive utopia where human rights and basic rights don’t exist and the government controls everything and cannot be opposed must be eliminated as they cannot be allowed to live in that utopia.

    Did that sound insane? It should scare you that you probably somewhat agree with that statement. Maybe not to the extreme degree I do but that tells you how the left views everyone not like them.The only thing holding them back is that they are incapable of winning enough political, they are completely insane and they are cowards. Your average American won’t vote for them. And unlike in Europe we won’t willingly run to the mass grave we were forced to dig to then be shot and buried in it. However that is a all going to change when the immigrant vote puts the Democrats permanently in power. And when the Democrats make gun ownership punishable by execution without trial by 2026 at the latest they will still remain in power. And every court (including SCOTUS) will say it is within the governments right to kill every person that opposes them.

    1. If the government ever takes the stance that it’s ok to murder anyone who opposes them, then the 400-600 million guns in civilian hands in this country will likely come in awful handy. I wouldn’t worry too much. The government handled the Oregon Bundy standoff with kids gloves because they realize people still haven’t forgotten about stuff like Waco and Ruby Ridge. (subsequent acquittals and dismissals all around for lack of evidence and prosecutorial misconduct on that standoff only made things worse for the government) Imagine if they tried emulating the Chinese and started machine gunning American citizens. You’d have an insurrection spanning from Montauk to Maui. Sure, there’d be Quislings and Benedict Arnold’s, especially in the liberal cities, but if even a few hundred thousand Americans decided not to go quietly, the government would already have lost.

  4. Miguel and Jkb have stated here the need for pro-2A forces to work with cops, and in the overall arc of things I agree with them.

    But I’d grind the NYPD’s nose down HARD into what they’re doing if they opt to start arresting Jews and confiscating weapons. Start referring to cops as ‘Sergeant Goeth’ and ‘Lieutenant Himmler’. Make it clear they’re no better than Nazis circa 1930s.

    Because frankly, they aren’t any better. Indeed, they are worse, because they SHOULD know better.

    1. The NYPD already arrests out of town police for carrying concealed (in violation of LEOSA, it’s at court they have to cite the Federal law to have the charges dismissed) so I don’t think they’re going to have any issue arresting Jews who are trying to defend themselves. Wish I was wrong.

      1. The NYPD are famous for violating FOPA, arresting people who fly into NYC with guns who want to travel upstate for hunting or competition.

        Legally, these people had safe passage but the NYPD would work with airport staff to arrest gun owners with guns locked in TSA approved cases who had just landed and had hotel rooms booked outside NYC.

        The NYPD is excited to violate any and all of your civil rights. How many posts did I write about the NYPD busting construction workers for gravity knives, even though Judges had dismissed those cases.

        1. The ones that get me are the people that are flying with TSA approved gun in baggage. They are diverted to LGA, if they pick up the case that contains their firearm they are in violation of NYC laws.

          They spend the night where ever and the next day they go to check in the firearm. The airline personal inform not TSA but instead the port authority which then arrests the person because there is no way for them to have gotten that firearm to the counter legally.

          In some cases it is a few thousand dollars to get the charges to go away. In other cases it is jail time and many thousands of dollars.

          I’ve read about cases where the cheap way out was a plea deal which included felony gun charges with zero time served a few thousand dollars and becoming a prohibited person.

          Nasty nasty things they do.

    2. I can’t speak for Miguel, but the “need for pro-2A forces to work with cops” part is about getting them on our side.

      The NYPD will never be on our side. Maybe not ever single one, but as an organization, they are the Sturmabteilung of the Mayor of New York City and, by extension, the Child Emperor of New York.

      1. I will say that the New York State Police are a bit more of a mixed bag. There are Troopers who have that deer in the headlights look, who view NY penal law as scripture, and are all too happy to do the bidding of Andrew Cuomo, and then there are the ones I know, who are gun guys who grew up in conservative villages, look the other way on SAFE Act violations, and loathe Cuomo with a white hot intensity. It is heavily influenced by where these people were raised, which explains why the NYPD behave the way they do.

        1. I get that for the State Police. The New York City Police Department (NYPD) are pretty much universally bad. If they are not rotten to the core, they have to do the rotten things to keep their jobs and get promoted.

      2. Fair enough. I wasn’t trying to sling mud at you or Miguel. If it sounded that way, I apologize.

        The NYPD needs to be brought up short, but it’s not likely to happen soon with deBolshevik and Andy Cuomo in positions of power. Any lawsuits will be swept under the rug or bought off.

  5. I disagree. I think now is a perfect time for non-compliance. First it shows that we will not comply. Second they are doing at a time when its less likely for them to be arrested, because the anti-gunners aren’t dumb. They don’t want a confrontation, not yet at least.

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