Do you know what is tragic? That you think/thought your “leadership” was going to be there to instantly protect you when the predators came calling. What is even more tragic is that this is the second time it happens to NOLA.
The business owner learned from the first time.— Miguel (@GunFreeZone) September 7, 2021
Extra irony points for the text in the original tweet:
While Hundreds of Thousands Still Remain Without Food or Water
For some reason a store that sells “street wear” does not strike me as one hoarding food and water.
i am sure the work boots are safe from being looted
Rooftop Cajuns
This made the rounds yesterday but it’s actually from a protest from October 2020
NOLA was not, and is not, a natural disaster. It is 100% man made.
When Katrina hit, and the levees broke flooding the city, it was because of political malfeasance. The funds to shore up the levees were re-directed for decades. That they failed is not surprising at all.
And, then the people in harms way just sat there and waited for the government to save them. Thousands did nothing to help themselves. “When is the government going to come get me?”
The government took off. Remember pictures of dozens of school buses underwater? Could have moved plenty of people on them, but the mayor chose not to mobilize them.
Did anything change in the years since Katrina? Apparently not.
Well, somewhat. The levees apparently held this time. (I read they used Dutch consultants, which is a good idea given that the Dutch have more experience with building dikes than anyone else.)
But they still get obvious things wrong, like building the high voltage trunk lines to withstand probable winds.
The people of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama worked their asses off after Katrina. The morons of New Orleans sat on their fatasses and cried for help. Two guys fro CT drove to the SuckTit Stadium in a Dodge Neon, the morons could have walked out as soon as the wind died. Idiots.
What is the US doing? What the hell is our leadership doing?
The U.S. under Biden is sitting on its ass letting flyover country rot because they’re not going along quietly with Obama’s “fundamental transformation, part two”.
The “leadership” is likely as not ordering door-to-door “safety checks” to unconstitutionally remove any privately- and lawfully-owned property that might prove “problematic” to said “leadership”.
Meanwhile, the REAL community leaders are helping to organize protective details to keep
protests and wealth redistributionviolence and looting down. They neither expect nor desire help from the “leadership”, thank you very much.(And yes, it always struck me as odd that all those looters “stealing to feed their kids” seemed to be carrying an awful lot of big TVs, PlayStations, and Nikes, and very little in the way of, y’know, food. The local Best Buy is not exactly the best place to find groceries, now is it?)
Isn’t that felony brandishing in MO (see: the lawyer couple)?