From FOX News:

Michigan care home patient, 75, brutally beaten in attack caught on video; Trump reacts

A shocking video surfacing Thursday showed a 75-year-old Michigan care home patient being beaten in a brutal, bloody attack.

Reports of the beating, at the Westwood Nursing Center in Detroit, drew a response from President Trump, who reacted on Twitter.

The graphic video shows a younger man, who authorities said was a 20-year-old patient of the same facility, relentlessly punching the elderly man in his face, dozens of times – both while the elderly man is lying on a bed and while he is seated.

Detroit police believe the incident occurred May 15, during a nursing home lockdown that remains in effect because of the coronavirus, the station reported.

The man videoed himself beating up patients and put the video on the internet where it went viral.

Here is the second video he made of him beating up another patient:


Detroit police confirmed that they arrested the suspect.

I’m glad that they did.

However, according to Michigan Penal Code 750.145n Vulnerable adult abuse:

A caregiver is guilty of vulnerable adult abuse in the first degree if the caregiver intentionally causes serious physical harm or serious mental harm to a vulnerable adult. Vulnerable adult abuse in the first degree is a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 15 years or a fine of not more than $10,000.00, or both.

Per the news, this piece of shit is not a caregiver but a patient, so the elder abuse statute won’t apply.

A law firm representing the care home said the suspect was not a long-term resident of the facility, but someone who was undergoing temporary rehabilitation treatment, Detroit’s WDIV-TV reported.

I get the sinking suspicion that despite the internet outcry and the enormity of this attack, this person will get a minimum sentence.

Let’s be honest, anyone who can take and upload multiple videos of himself beating up helpless elderly people isn’t someone who can be rehabilitated in prison.

The world would be improved by removing his existence from it.

This is why I am such an ardent advocate of the death penalty.  Simply because I believe that there are human beings, like some shelter dogs, who cannot ever be trusted to play well with other humans, and like those shelter dogs, have to be put down for the overall safety of society.

This is one of those people.

I know that Miguel is vociferously against lynching, and I support that.

I just think that the best course of action in this particular case is to give the family of that elderly man a loaded handgun, this piece of shit in handcuffs, and immunity from prosecution for whatever happens next.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Some people just need killing”
  1. A 20 year old patient, put in a nursing home for rehabilitation for an unspecified condition, something smells here. I suspect the nursing home was being used as a substitute for a mental hospital. The people/organization responsible for putting this violent person in a nursing home should be held accountable, but unfortunately won’t.

  2. Don’t give the family member a gun. Give them a razor sharp machete’, a Tyvek suit and a face guard. Then handcuff the POS to a post outside.

  3. The family have suffered enough without involving them in further punishment, I would prefer to simply hand them a spent .45 caliber shell casing and a certificate of authenticity. God bless that poor patient!!!

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