How does that work? I want a product alongside tens of thousands of other fellow shooters and because your side of the street keeps coming up with policies that make it more than ever necessary to own that product, you want me to boycott the locale?
“Safer weapons “…….W. T. F. is that?
Ignorance is rampant today… just go for a drive and you will see
If I wanted a “safe gun” I’d buy a Star Wars replica.
Right. Like this person has any intention of ever buying a gun in the first place.
This reminds me of when McDonalds stopped using the good stuff to cook their fries. The vocal but small minority of people calling for the boycott generally didn’t eat there in the first place, and wouldn’t do so even after McD changed how they did business.
You mean people who don’t eat beef don’t frequent a burger place?
Funny, innit?
There is not an original thought in that person’s head. It is 100% spoon fed talking points.
Trained to mimic an educated person.
“OY”, Miguel?? Not ¡Dios mio! ?
Typical leftist.
Always telling you what you need to do for their benefit.