The Left decries anti-Asian violence until it’s time to lock up another minority for doing it.

From KRON4 San Francisco:

Charges dropped against suspect in attack of elderly Asian man in San Francisco

The San Francisco District Attorney’s Office has dropped charges against a man who was arrested in connection with last month’s attack on an elderly Asian man in San Francisco.

Authorities arrested 20-year-old Dwayne Grayson for the attack on the man who was collecting recyclables in the Bayview district on Feb. 22.

Investigators say Grayson recorded the attack and posted the video on social media. It quickly went viral.

Grayson is allegedly heard in the video background saying “I hate Asians.”

District Attorney Chesa Boudin said he dropped the charges in favor of having Grayson go through a city justice program.

Here is the viral video in all of its disturbing horror:

You’d think someone that cruel and malicious would have the book thrown at them for a hate crime.

But not when the attacker is clearly not a MAGA supporter with white privilege.  Then the charges can be quietly dropped.

Some pigs are just more equal than others.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “Some pigs are more equal than others – anti-Asian violence edition”
  1. Not conversant with the complexities of the California legal system (thank g_d) but it seems to me that even ignoring the hate crime aspect, this should be a felony assault at the state level. What is the city going to charge him with? Disturbing the peace?

    Imagine if this video, with all actions and language were the same except that it was a non-POC committing the assault. This would be on CNN/MSNBC/ABC/NBC/CBS 24/7 for the next two weeks. Peaceful protesters would be burning the city to the ground demanding a public flogging for the perp.

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