Antifa/BLM are going to murder someone at a roadblock very soon.  Then, if the police don’t crack down on them immediately, they will turn into full-blown Rwandan or RUF death squads.

It’s just dumb luck nobody has gotten killed yet at one of these roadblocks.

Unforntually, until the police start doing something, the only thing you can do is turn around and drive away long before you get close enough to the mob to attract their attention.

You also need to get politically active at the local level to make sure your city government, sheriff, governor, etc. don’t tolerate this.

On a side note, I found a used 1981 Cadillac Gage Ranger/USAF Peacekeeper street-legal armored security vehicle for less than half the price of the Blackwater Grizzley.  Although I’d drop some more money into it and swap out that old Chrysler 360 for a 5.7 Hemi or 350HO crate engine and transmission to give it a little more “get up and go” roadblock smashing performance.   I’m taking donations for a 7.62AP resistant goon-mobile.

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By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Some videos of Antifa/BLM shooting at cars at roadblocks”
  1. Imagine an SUV with no markings or plates full of heavily armed & body armored pissed off Patriots show at one of these. At the first shot from the mob they exit the vehicle, mow down the attackers and anyone else “involved”, and then exit the area unimpeded. If they can deploy fast enough there won’t be much video as the remaining vermin scatter for their lives.

    1. I think you’re going to see something like that. Or perhaps Bracken’s ‘two riflemen in the back of a pickup truck’ engaging from long range.

      Cops need to start rethinking how badly they want to protect the thugs in the street.

      1. At this point, the cops ARE the thugs in the street.
        Blamtifa are just their collectivo backup.

    1. And? They’ve been doing it for a while and it’s getting worse. What’s your point?

  2. People HAVE been killed at these roadblocks.
    Seattle and Austin come immediately to mind.

  3. I know that folks have described these “protesters” as role playing as an insult, but they really are playing.

    In video games, you can shoot at anyone and anything with only your score at risk.

    Even though the so-called authorities will more than likely hang the defender out to dry, someone is going to respond in a manner that well might be unpleasant.

  4. It is legal for antifa to murder people. It could be on camera with the police watching. They will get away with it. I’m of the opinion that they could start dragging people out of their vehicles, kneeling them on the ground and then putting a bullet in the back of their head execution style and then we can do this for literally hours and the police will watch the entire time and do nothing. Just wait until they realize that. Like I said it’s just a matter of time until they start forming mobs, Going into entire neighborhoods Breaking into all the homes and killing everyone in that neighborhood. That is also completely legal and the police will not be allowed to do anything because antifa is above the law. In fact if you try to defend yourself the police will disarm you and throw you to the mob for execution.

  5. J, I’d suggest a diesel instead of a gasoline engine.

    More low end torque and the availability of fuel is better in an emergency (In most cases).

    Also, diesel is less flammable then gasoline.

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