This was posted online by a Leftist wine mom:


That seems like a very nice kitchen, in what is presumably a very nice house.  She is wearing very nice clothes, with a very big diamond on her finger.

What does she do with it?

Takes a picture that shits all over her husband and his ability to raise good sons with all the nice stuff that he presumably paid for as part of the background.


Look at the looks on the faces of her two sons that are old enough to stand on their own.

Clearly, they don’t like being in that picture.

Upper-middle-class wine most not realize just how much she is tormenting her sons for likes and thumbs up, or she doesn’t care.

This is political Munchausen by proxy.

Also, her sons won’t grow up to treat other girls right.  They will grow up hating women because mom was passive-agressively mean to them and made them feel awful for being boys.

Dad needs to cut and run and take his sons with him.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

12 thoughts on “Somebody is calling a divorce attorney when he checks social media”
  1. Or the husband, assuming there is one, has long since been neutered, just like those boys will be.

  2. Nothing like proclaiming– “I’m rich, I’m white and I’m entitled.” Er… yeah. Big bull’s-eye there. Plus she has some pretty little boys. The stupid is big with this one.

    1. “Whine” does fit, though I *THINK* that he was going for “wife” (though “whiny wife” would fit too… smh….

  3. Dad is a beta male cuckold with a great job and lots of money. Mom is probably married to this beta male for his money, she will be busy fucking the pool boy or some home repair man while her husband is at work earning money to pay for her spa treatments and her sons are off at school getting beaten up for their lunch money. The entire time, she will congratulate herself on raising good, liberal cucks who are doormats for women, just like their dad.

    *that is a $5500 gas range behind her.

  4. Well, she is barefoot and in the kitchen. She may not be pregnant right now, but she’s been preggo before. She may be a liberal, but she could fulfill several conservative fantasies. Just change the wording on the sign and there you go.

    1. I was thinking probably one of her fellow wine-club man-bashing buddies… or the pool boy… 😀

  5. “This is political Munchausen by proxy.” — what do you bet, one of them ends up “trans” before too long.

  6. Just watch. The boys will hit their teens, and go full Entitled Douche Dudebro, down to the new BMW, $1000 wardrobe, swilling expensive booze, bullying nerds, weed, and Ted Kennedy’s sense of respect towards women.

    And Woke Wine Mom will be there to go Full Karen on all the teachers, deans, cops, judges, and parents of outraged daughters for daring to say anything bad about her darling babies.

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