By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Somebody needs to fall and break a hip”
  1. Wow! She just missed another chance to chew someone out. Did you see the two persons of color who walked by w/o masks?
    Of course, they may have responded?????

  2. A variation of Iron Mike’s quote applies here, “Social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it.”

    If someone had rocked Miss Congeniality’s shit right there . . . not guilty by reason of necessity.

    1. I’ve said similar things about cancel culture.

      When you put on a white sheet and light a cross on fire on somebody’s lawn, there is a chance you will get shot for your troubles.

      When you destroy someone’s life on social media, it’s so easy and the risks are so low, there is no disincentive to do it.

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