Man sentenced to 25 years for murdering sister’s rapist in prison

Shane Goldsby killed cellmate Robert Munger after the 70-year-old teased Goldsby with details of his sister’s rape.

A Washington state inmate was sentenced to another 25 years in prison for murdering his cellmate — a convicted child sex offender who raped his sister.

Shane Goldsby, 26, was sentenced this week after he beat to death his 70-year-old cellmate Robert Munger in June 2020.

Munger was reportedly serving a 43-year prison sentence for his child sex crimes.

Goldsby said he snapped after Munger began teasing him with details about the rape, which later proved true, according to KHQ.

According to court documents, Goldsby attacked Munger from behind in the prison’s communal area and hit him in the face 14 times, then stomped on his head at least four times before walking away.

I guess stomping him to death is the best he could do since they probably don’t allow woodchippers in prisons.

Goldsby deserves a pardon, not 25 more years.

I know Miguel has a problem with vigilante justice.

When it comes to child sex offenders, I do not.

Killing a pedophile shouldn’t be a crime.

In my world, a law abiding citizen should be able to log onto the sex offender registry and buy a tag to hunt pedophiles for sport.

I have no desire to kill an animal.

Give me some alone time with a child rapist and I’m gonna do things that make the writers of the Saw films queasy.

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By J. Kb

15 thoughts on “Someone just earned himself a pardon in my book”
  1. I agree with you 100%. I was sexually abused as a youngster by an uncle who is now dead. I dream of digging him up and putting two 454’s in his chest and one in his forehead to make sure he is dead. Sexual predators of children deserve no mercy of any kind and their victims should be allowed to dispatch them very slowly over an extended time. This guy deserves a full pardon, a medal, and our thanks.

  2. What will the pedo tag cost? Is there a limit on the number of tags I can buy? I once knew a woman that caught a pedo on her daughter. The cops got there in time to save his worthless life, she was busily beating him to death, but she wasn’t charged. In the Dallas area, by the way.

    1. That case certainly is sensible. For example, in NH justification for the use of deadly force applies to a couple of cases: attempted murder or grave bodily harm, arson, and rape. So the case you described would be considered defense of an innocent third party from rape and would be justified.

      The case of the rapist in jail is a different matter. Not legally justified that I can see, but I would certainly agree it’s morally justified and this is the sort of thing for which pardon was invented.

      1. I’d have to check to see if WA state has a “fighting words” statute. In short, it’s a justification for times when someone is not being physically aggressive, but is speaking so offensively that a reasonable person wouldn’t be able to resist responding with violence.

        For example, continually offering grisly details of one’s underage sister’s rape.

        My wife found this story a few days ago. According to the version she found, Goldsby (the brother) REPEATEDLY asked the guards to move either him or Munger to a different cell/unit, and those requests were repeatedly denied. (Kinda makes me wonder if the guards and/or warden wanted Munger dead, but couldn’t do it themselves.)

        This whole mess is as much on the prison administrators as it is on Goldsby. Probably more so.

        1. IANAL. I haven’t seen “fighting words” specifically mentioned in any RCW but they are indirectly mentioned in RCW 9A.84.030, Disorderly Conduct, section 1a.

          There appear to be several cases addressing “fighting words” in the proceeding but you probably need a lawyer to decipher them & our legislature has, like everything else actually important to running a functional state, left this unaddressed.

          Many of the counties west of the Cascades aren’t going to be charging anyone with misdemeanor anything, much less disorderly conduct (the RCW reads like an antifa to-do list). But I’d bet my next paycheck that they go the felony assault or attempted murder route on anyone who administers a well-earned beatdown to some deserving proto-communist.

  3. What was Goldsby doing time for?

    I don’t think I’d pardon him out of hand, but depending on his crimes, I’d be willing to consider it.

    1. This is the last sentence in the linked NY Post article:
      “…Goldsby had been serving time in prison for a wild joy ride in 2017 during which he stole a police vehicle and led law enforcement on a long chase before crashing into a state trooper, injuring him.”

    2. I’d support pardoning him just for this killing. He can finish serving the rest of his normal sentance, but 25 years for what frankly the state should have already done is ridiculous.

      If the state had wanted the rapist to live, they would not have done this. Goldsby demonstrated considerable restraint; it sounds like he had explained the situation, and asked to be given a different cellmate. His request was denied.

      At that point, it would have been more inexplicable for him to have done nothing, than to have killed the guy.

  4. In this case the main disagreement regarding vigilantes is removed, he was in jail for the crime so the only disagreement is regarding the punishment for the crime, in my opinion he should have been dead already.

  5. I’m between you on this one. The child rapist got his karma for teasing the victim’s brother and it’s sad that the brother got such a long sentence.

    It’s tougher to arrange “accidents” in prison.

  6. IMHO- children and animals are, unless warped b y others, essentially innocents; thus, anyone who abuses either, deserves a cranial injection of copper and lead, and a place in a deep, unmarked pit.

  7. My opinion?

    The Prison Officials should be in the dock next to Goldsby for Conspiracy to commit murder. They freaking knew. If not before, they knew as soon as Goldsby complained (if true). My understanding is they put Goldsby in the freaking Pedos CELL, not just unit, not just wing, HIS CELL. Where they are locked up together for hours and hours every freaking day. They knew Pedo scum was going to talk about his “loving.” So they put a person with a violent history in the cell of a pedo. Not a white collar criminal, not a non-violent inmate.

    I also heard from news stories Goldsby was a troublemaker, he fought with guards at several other prison facilities since he was imprisoned 3 years ago, and that was why he was transfered to this prison. (Supposedly Goldsby found Jesus and had recently reformed, according to Goldsby.) The prison asdministration and the guards union knew from their own records Goldsby was a violent individual. They know he injured a State Trooper.

    They knew. They put the Pedo and a Violent Criminal relative of a victim together anyway.

    The prison management probably didn’t care who killed who. They just hoped they could prove who killed who, and then incarcerate them for the rest of their lives.

    1. it is like the Prison Administration put a snake in a cage with a rat, and are shocked! and surprised! the rat was eaten.

      They got the exact outcome they wanted, but their hands are clean as Pontius Pilate’s.

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