Because the Israeli rescue teams are helping in Surfside:

Yup, the same IDF that the Democrats consider oppressors and terrorists.

They are helping rescue people in Miami because they have experience at this.


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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “Someone should ask the Democrats where the Hamas rescue teams are?”
  1. “Someone should ask the Democrats where the Hamas rescue teams are?”

    I think that question is a bit too focused. I would propose:
    Someone should ask the Democrats where any Hamas humanitarian/charitable organizations are?

    There, glad to help out.

  2. Someone should ask the Democrats where the Hamas rescue teams are?

    No, because the response will be, “Palestinian teams are busy rescuing innocent Palestinians from the latest buildings the Israelis destroyed, and so they couldn’t come.”

    Followed up with, “The Israeli rescue teams were available because Palestine is a peaceful nation and isn’t attacking Israel or its buildings.”

    Yes, both statements are factually untrue, but if you think that will matter one bit to the mainstream media, then I’ve got some ocean-view property to sell you. In Oklahoma.

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