From Quartz:

After enduring months of lockdown, Africans in China are being targeted and evicted from apartments

Across African capitals, Chinese ambassadors are being hauled over by foreign ministries to explain horrid scenes that have gone viral on social media platforms of African migrants being evicted from apartments and refused entry into hotels.

It’s  not just hotels and apartments, it’s restaurants too.

The Hong Kong Free Press is reporting that the Chinese government is forcing black people in China to be quartiened.  Some are even being arrested on the streets.

Thismstems from the assertion that China controlled their initial outbreak and the accusation that African migrant workers and tourists are re-infecting China.

Anyone who knows anything about ethereum military history of Asia know that ethnic supremacism is at the heart of many Asian cultures, including China, Japan, and Korea.  The great empires of Asia took turns conquering and slaughtering each other over the justification that they were the best and the victims were beneath them.

Of course, this history doesn’t fit into the Left’s narrative that only white Europeans and their descendants are racists.

So I know that the Leftists who just spent the last few weeks castigating Trump and the US for calling the Coronavirus the “Chinese Virus” because that’s racist and xenophobic won’t dare even acknowledge that China might be a horribly racist nation that is committed human rights violations against black people because of the color of their skin.

Still it might be fun to ask them about it just to see if the cognitive dissonance will make smoke come out of their ears.

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By J. Kb