Family of NYC woman stabbed to death in her apartment by mentally ill homeless man sue NYPD for taking too long to break in to save her from him

The family of a woman who was brutally murdered in her New York City apartment by a mentally ill homeless man has sued police for allegedly causing her death by taking too long to try to save her.

Christina Yuan Lee, 35, was stabbed more than 40 times in February, 2022, after Assamad Nash followed her inside her Chinatown building as she got out of a cab in the early morning hours, according to police.

Neighbors contacted the New York Police Department after hearing Lee’s desperate screams for ‘at least five minutes’ as she was being attacked by Nash, who has a long criminal record.

Lee’s family says two unidentified officers stood outside Lee’s apartment as they heard her screams, failing to break down the door in time to save the ad executive, claims the lawsuit, which was filed in the Manhattan Supreme Court on Friday and first reviewed by The Daily Beast.

The lawsuit claims the officers, who came from the 5th Precinct just a few blocks way from Lee’s apartment, even spoke to her alleged murderer.

It states: ‘Despite having reason to believe Ms. Lee’s life was in imminent danger, [the officers] failed to gain entry to Ms. Lee’s apartment or otherwise provide her with any potentially life-saving police or medical assistance at that time.’

When officers finally broke down the door to Lee’s apartment 90 minutes later, they found the partially naked woman bleeding to death from 40 wounds to her torso, head and neck inside the bathtub.

On February 12, 2011, the NYPD watched through the window of the driver’s cabin as wanted criminal Maskim Gelman stabbed Joe Lozito multiple times on a Subway car, and did nothing until Lozito managed to fight back and subdue Gelman.

Lozito sued the NYPD because at the time, German was the subject of an active manhunt because he was on a stabbing spree.

The NYPD defended themselves saying they had no duty to protect Lozito and could hide in the safety of the driver’s cabin and fuck Lozito.

The NYPD won.

The Supreme Court and US Court of Appeals have previously decided that police have no duty to protect.

Castle Rock vs Gonzalez and Warren vs DC.

This is why we in the Concealed-Carry and Gun Rights community push self defense, because the police can do shit like this.

New York is utterly fucked considering that they will arrest you for defending yourself.

I feel bad for this woman’s family, but the NYPD will skate again for being stupid cowards.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Someone’s gonna learn about Lozito, Warren, and Castle Rock”
  1. “Nash was a serial offender out on supervised release stemming from a robbery…At the time of his arrest, Nash was out on supervised release stemming from four open cases, including punching 63-year-old David Elliot in a subway station. ”

    Supervised… Right.

  2. Things like this keep happening, and yet people still keep voting for the same policies that lead to these outcomes. Makes no sense to me.

    1. People… no wait, leftists will continue to vote the same policies/politicians into office until they get harmed personally.
      It is only by suffering the consequences of your actions, or lack of action that you will gain experience, and grow up. Until then, you will be a child, or a leftist.

      1. Call me cynical, but … After the dust from this lawsuit settles, and the next major election happens, I’d be curious to know how the family votes.
        Connecting cause-and-effect over longer timescales than the immediate, e.g. months to years, is very difficult for lots of people. This is also reflected in the failure to ask the “and then what?” question (or to not understand the answers).

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