Just before my sentence to the Gulag, my timeline started to be somewhat populated by hardcore Lefty accounts. Right after I was “restricted” that is pretty much what I get now. Even posts from people I follow are few and far between and almost none of the old content I was getting.

So, I am truly in a Gulag now, complete with re-education content. If this is a way for the Twitter Internal Resistance to Elon to change the way I or others think, I am here to announce that not only failed but only managed to make me even more convinced I am in the right path.

And in other news, this one needs to lay off the beer-battered fish sandwiches with 4 sides of onion rings and eat some more sushi.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “Something funky happening at Twitter/X.”
  1. someday people will figure out that “social media” isn’t…. joe rogan was moanin about tiktoks terms of agreement how it gives them permission to invade every aspect of your life… simple answer- don’t have tiktok! I have been weaning myself off facebook and eventually I will be off it. I got along without it for 40 something years..

  2. Not sure it is X/Twitter.
    That is the way “social media” works. If one hardcore lefty linked to your post, everyone who follows them saw it.
    And since the average leftists is basically a toddler, when they hear or see something they do not like, they MUST drown it out. Imagine a four year old covering their ears, and closing their eyes while screaming “LALALALALALALALALLALALALALALALALA” as loud as possible.
    Yeah, that is leftists on social media.
    Give it a few days, the energy surrounding it will drop off (like all tantrums do) and you will be back to normal.

  3. So, I am truly in a Gulag now, complete with re-education content. If this is a way for the Twitter Internal Resistance to Elon to change the way I or others think, I am here to announce that not only failed but only managed to make me even more convinced I am in the right path.
    If you’re taking flak, you’re over the target. 🙂
    Personally, if I’m being subject to a demoralization campaign like what they’re trying, I also become more convinced I’m on the right track. If you weren’t a clear threat to them, they wouldn’t put so much effort into it.
    Take it as a compliment! 😀

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