We need to chew and digest this one in order to adapt our survival protocols.

That reaction actually left me speechless.  The cop had never considered that a “good guy” might have smuggled a gun past their minimal security screenings.  He didn’t think about the fact that not everyone with a gun in his/her hand is a criminal.  He wasn’t thinking about off duty or plain clothes cops.  He wasn’t thinking about people like me.  In his mind, anyone with a gun who wasn’t wearing a police uniform in that concert venue was an automatic “shoot” target.

Something to Consider | Active Response Training

Go read the whole thing.

One thing I always do now as part of my planning is to figure out the ways an armed predator can access wherever I am and where can I go to escape, especially in legally (not morally) abiding gun free zones which simply you cannot avoid.

It is tempting to be the hero, but the reality dividend may not be so great.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Something to Consider – Active Response Training.”
  1. THIS is the major issue We the People face- poor or improper training and 40 plus years of tv bending minds that cop good/ white guy with gun ALWAYS bad. Citizens need to know avoiding bad situations is 100% the main step. Being the good guy with a gun is going to put you in a world you may not survive. I honestly don’t know the solution.. education is one step. I had a 30 plus year of service state trooper tell me he had no idea what my Form 2 paperwork was or had ever seen any.

    1. Most cops, in my experience, are not gun enthusiasts. It seems to be a little different in the special ops teams. But then again, none of these folks have to do their own paperwork for suppressors, SBRs, etc. so perhaps it’s unsurprising they are generally not familiar with the less common aspects of firearm ownership.

    2. What is interesting to me is that the number of times that the cops have opened fire on “good guy with gun” in mass shooting situations seems to be zero.
      In the Texas church shooting where the good guy grabbed his rifle loaded some rounds into a magazine and ran to the sound of gun fire and then chased the bad guy in passer-byers car, when he had the shooter pinned down a trooper pulled up and started yelling “Put the gun down”. He started to obey and the trooper yelled “not you, the shooter.”

      1. It is, well.. can be, pretty simple to recognize the good guy. Generally, if you are committing a crime, you have an attitude/aura/whatever that gives it away. Even some without any training in body language would likely recognize the good guy in a mass shooting event. Generally, they are the person not pointing their gun at unarmed people, but there are other tells.

      2. Was there not a case not that long ago, where the good guy was moving a rifle away from the bad guy when a cop arrived and shot him?

  2. “It is tempting to be the hero, but the reality dividend may not be so great”

    Yeah, it’s probably going to be me or mine that triggers (sorry, not sorry) a response. An individual that I don’t know? I don’t think so. A mass shooter? Maybe.

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