Substack is a website that allows people to make money with e-mail newsletters.

Apparently, the media is terrified of Substack because they can’t shame people on Substack like they can on Twitter or Facebook.

Consequently, they are attacking the platform trying to keep people off it.

Dr. Sarah T. Roberts is a professor at UCLA and a specialist in commercial content moderation and social media.

She hates Substack because she can’t moderate your content on it.

She took to Twitter with a long thread about why Substack is bad.  I won’t post the whole thing but I want to highlight something she said.



We all watched the media during the Trump years.

Tell me how Russian collusion and peepee tapes fit in with norms and practices and oversight?

Oh, that’s right, the only norm in journalism is “do whatever helps our guy.”

How else do you explain how CNN had the Cuomo brothers do a vaudeville routine before the election when he was making Trump look bad and then report on what Governor Cuomo did to kill the elderly, lie about it, and sexually assault staffers after the election.

One in six Biden voters said they would not have voted for Biden if they were aware of his scandals before the election.  The media attacked the New York Post for publishing a true story about Hunter Biden, calling it “Russian disinformation,” then admitted it was real after the election.

Time magazine published an article on how the Left colluded to “fortify” the 2020 election against Trump by lying.

The media right now is screaming up and down that CPAC was a Nazi rally because the stage was a dog whistle in the shape of an Odal rune.

So tell me how actual journalists have norms and standards that make them trustworthy and some guy with an e-mail newsletter on Substack isn’t.

That’s bullshit and you know it.  You’re just scared of any platform that threatens your information monopoly.

The journalist class becomes more Soviet every day.

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By J. Kb

One thought on “Sorry Doc, but we’ve all watched what the media did for the last four years”
  1. “You’re just scared of any platform that threatens your information monopoly.”


    Maybe if the journalists spent more time selling the news, instead of selling leftists ideals, they would not be threatened by different views.

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