So Ellen Page decided to be rebranded a White Male and changed her name to Elliot. Oy!

Elliot Page released an Instagram post announcing that he is transgender—but many fans of the Umbrella Academy and Juno actor were unhappy with the way that the news was reported. Particularly, fans, member of the LGBTQ+ communities and allies were displeased at the media’s continued use of the actor’s birth name—or, as it is known among the trans community, his “deadname.”

Using Elliot Page’s ‘Deadname’ is a Problem—Here’s Why

You chose a platform known mostly for posting pictures of girls doing duck lips,  or meals from some restaurant and videos of pets doing cutesy stuff to announce the World you suddenly grew a penis in between your ears.

And for the love of God, she choose the name Elliot? The last cool Elliot was Ness and only because Kevin Costner did a great job in The Untouchables which is a lot more to say for any movie she has done. (And yes, Juno sucked) And you have the right to change your name, no problem there, but choose something less dorky, hell make up a name for all I care, but don’t waste the chance by selecting the name that would have gotten you stuffed in the locker room in school.

And dear Trans Community: Making up words like “Deadname” that sound like picked right out of the Newspeak Dictionary, does not make you look smart or edgy or brave but downright moronic and full fledged fascist.

I need more coffee.


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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

4 thoughts on “Sorry if I cannot take you seriously”
  1. This is one of your best phrases “you suddenly grew a penis in between your ears” I will steal that as it sums up the philosophy perfectly

  2. Yet another example in a string of seemingly endless examples of “you can only live your life any way you want _only_ if “we”* approve”.

    *Who “We” is seems to change daily.

  3. How does this affect his past awards and nominations?

    Nomination for best a actress? Does that become nomination for best actor retroactively?

    Does every movie company have to go back and change his name in the credits?

    This sort of go back and rewrite history aspect of transgender ideology is Stalinesque.

  4. I had two thoughts on this.

    First: Ellen Page was a very out and public lesbian.  She constantly claimed victim status for her public lesbian lifestyle. 

    She attacked Vice President Mike Pence and fellow actor Chris Pratt for their religious beliefs being (supposedly) anti-LGBT. 

    Going so far as to say on the Colbert Show “The Vice President of America wishes I didn’t have the love with my wife. He wanted to ban that in Indiana.”

    But now if Elliot Page is a man, and has always been a man, than what is so controversial about his heterosexual marriage? 

    It seems as though Page has figured out that without VP Pence, her being a lesbian isn’t avant-garde enough.

    This leads me to my second point:

    I like Sci-Fi.  In lots of Sci-Fi stories about AI, the protagonists have to destroy the AI with a logical paradox.

    I have a similar logical paradox here.

    If a white lesbian comes out as a trans man, and we must accept that a trans man really is a man, than he’s just a straight white man and needs to STFU with his privileged opinion and is just the worst as a member of the patriarchy.

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