This one I have been avoiding to get into.  Africa seems to be cursed with some sort of political hex that makes them repeat the same mistakes over and over again. In y childhood was the end of Colonialism and the triumphant arrival of Democracy, alas it was not. Katanga and Biafra showed us that things were done differently there, unique if I must say. Death was plentiful and Life was easy to discard. After that came Rhodesia and Angola, the communists expanding their reach in the Dark Continent only to fail even when they won. And we finished with genocide by famine in Ethiopia and Somalia. No matter where I looked from my location is South America, Africa seemed to demand a recurrent bloody tribute.

There was a sliver of hope called South Africa. It had survived the attempts made from Communism through the decades with a harsh policy of killing guerrillas without mercy. They dabbled into bush wars up north figuring that it would keep the reds entertained and away from their borders. South Africa shed Apartheid and transitioned to democracy seemingly with only the fewest of burps and none of the tragic history of its neighbors, but apparently it was only a two decade delay and they are heading back to the traditions. South African farmers have always been targets of the criminal element and it was usually one that left corpses behind, but now they are officially a target of the government who is now not only with the full authority to confiscate their lands, but demanding they surrender their weaponry.

And we all know where that is going to lead.

Hat Tip to George M.

Update: A friend sent me this essay: Let Africa Sink by Kim Du Toit.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “South Africa’s Impending Troubles.”
  1. I can only imagine the silly TV ads from those commie dictators: Rhodesia ver. 2.0, now with more murder!

    But seriously, the hard & inescapable truth is that few to none of the people who are being given these farms (“*liberated* from the evil white devils), know jack about farming and upkeep of the land & equipment.

    I give S. Africa 2 years (maybe) after the repartition is over before famine starts.

    1. Typically the farms are given to the relatives of the people in power. Most don’t know how to farm.

      There are black South Africans who know how to farm and don’t own land — but they tend to be the wrong tribe or, since they worked for white farmers, considered traitors.

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