This happened yesterday down here in Miami-Dade County:


The salsa song in this one is to vote for Donald Trump.

It is mentioned that Miami PD estimates 30,000 vehicles participated in the caravans across the county. I have not seen anything officialy expressed, but the images do show a lot of cars.

And the Media? Mostly mute. Only one of the main English Speaking TV Station (WPLG) and one Spanish Speaking station (Univision 23) published anything this morning about it on their websites’ main page.


And the Miami Herald? Bupkis, nada, not a thing but a very interesting front page report about a Pro Biden caravan of golf carts in a retirement home, of all places, Tallahassee (Six hours away).

But there is dissension in the formerly great house (and formerly warehouse) of the Miami Herald family: El Nuevo Herald did front-paged a bit  about the caravan even if it was under a bigger Anti-Trump headlining article trying to push the narrative that Bide will beat Trump amongst Latinos .

I can’t but think they are really scared of how the county is going to vote.  Even if Trump does not win, a close result spells bad news for the Democrats. A reminder: Hillary trounced Trump in the last election in Miami but Trump still took the state.

Hillary won the county by 290,000 votes and still lose the state by almost 113,000 votes. In my estimation,  Trump losing to Biden in Miami Dade by anything less than 40%  means he wins Florida again if the same numbers hold.

Maybe it is my particular bias, but I have not seen many people who voted for Trump the first time, changing their votes for Biden, but I have seen the opposite.


UPDATE:  The Miami Herald finally acknowledged the Pro Trump Caravan..  6 and a half hours after I posted.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

3 thoughts on “South Florida Media is not very fond of Trump. (UPDATE)”
  1. This is the reason the Democrats have been beating the Racial Identity drums harder than ever these past four years. If they loose their stranglehold on “Black” and Hispanic voters, they loose national elections. Period.

  2. I don’t take any election for granted any more. Especially for town council and other local races .. for day to day living they have more influence over quality of life than the feds, and they seem to attract more than their fair share of petty little tyrant wannabees.

  3. But Biden leads Trump by 12 points….

    Also, that Tweet showing the Ocean Bank building on LeJeune Road really hit me in the nostalgia spot. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been on that road headed into the Gables. I can close my eyes and see every stretch of that road from the Airport Marriott to Biltmore Way all the way down to US-1. That brings me back.

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