Everyone knows that South Florida is 90 miles from Cuba. The Cuban influence in Miami is undeniable.

Cuba is not the only Caribbean island that is within a short boat ride from Florida.

There is a large Haitian immigrant population, just a little further north of Miami, in north Dade and Broward County.

This came to mind when I saw this:

Haiti declares state of emergency after thousands of dangerous inmates escape

Haiti has declared a three-day state of emergency and a night-time curfew after armed gangs stormed the country’s two biggest jails, allowing more than 3,000 dangerous criminals, including murderers and kidnappers, to escape back on to the streets of the poor and violence-racked Caribbean nation.

The UN estimates that about 15,000 people were forced to flee the violence between Thursday and Saturday, including those already in makeshift camps for displaced people set up in schools, hospitals and squares around the capital, Port-au-Prince.

But even in a country accustomed to the constant threat of violence, Saturday’s attack on the national penitentiary in Port-au-Prince came as a huge shock.

Almost all of the estimated 4,000 inmates escaped, leaving the normally overcrowded prison eerily empty on Sunday with no guards in sight and plastic sandals, clothing and furniture strewn across the concrete patio. Three bodies with gunshot wounds lay at the prison entrance.

So how is Haiti doing now, after the three day state of emergency?

Oh. They are eating each other.


Gang leader named ‘Barbeque’ is now most powerful man in Haiti — as US evacuates Americans

Haiti’s most notorious gang leader, known as “Barbecue,” may be the most powerful man in the nation as the prime minister remains unable to return home.

Jimmy Chérizier, the leader of the notorious “G9 and Family” gang, is in command of the bulk of the gunmen stirring anarchy in the capital — and he vowed to fight until embattled Prime Minister Ariel Henry resigns.

Some claim that the rifle-wielding 47-year-old mobster’s nickname comes from his penchant for setting his victims on fire — though he says it’s an old moniker his mother gave him as a boy.

Fourth thousand prisoners, gang members, and fucking cannibals have the potential to come to Florida to seek refuge in the Haitin community in South Florida.

We’ve seen in Texas and California how drug and gand term wars in Mexico have spilled over into the US. Why would Florida be any different?

Be prepared because this has the potential to get really bad.

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By J. Kb

3 thoughts on “South Florida needs to be reads for Hatian violence”
  1. Potential? It’s almost a guarantee and the federal government will fly them in on our dime under the “humanitarian relief” banner. I remember back in 2010 the USG imported Haitian refugees by the C-17 load into Florida under “Operation Safe Return”. I remember Sanford, Florida being one of the destinations because I was living not far away from there and it was big news and people weren’t very thrilled back then.

  2. From what I’m hearing from people in USAF Air Mobility Command, serious planning is going on to transport a LOT more people than 4,000 from Haiti to the US. One officer told an acquaintance that some bright bulb inquired as to the cost of essentially emptying the island, or at least the Haitian part of it.

    What could possibly go right with this?

    Caveat: this topic was discussed at a gaming event that I attended over the weekend. Consumption of strong drink was involved by some of the participants…

  3. Upon re-reading this, I’m going to clarify that the use of sea/naval transportation would be required if more than one or two percent of the Haitian population(@50,000 to 80,000) are brought to the US as refugees.

    Frankly, I’m not sure that our sealift capability could handle it before the end of this year, and I have warpstone fueled visions of planes being hijacked by gangsters from Haiti/Wakenda Island.

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