I have joked in the past about finding bundles of firewood at our local Big Discount Box Stores and figured they got shipped from HQ because that is what every store gets come Winter.

Today the missus actually saw somebody who bought the damned thing and recorded it for posterity

And you can tell they are cold because they are not wearing shorts or flipflops.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

5 thoughts on “South Florida: Things that make you go “Huh?””
  1. LOL. We had a fire last night at a neighbor’s house. We sat in their backyard around the fire pit, drinking adult beverages and telling tall tales until 1 am. We burned up two bundles of that wood.
    Now I am in Florida, just not SOUTH Florida. It was in the low 40s last night, and we WERE outside, so I don’t know if I am a warm weather pussy or not, but we did have a good time. (PS- I was wearing a hoodie, sweatpants, and flip flops. )

  2. Western Oregon is located in the Pacific Norrhwest Rainforest, so here in Portlandia we famously get a lot of rain but very little snow. Heck, the city of Portland is sort of nestled in a little “bowl” with mountainous foothills to west, south, and east… So when we do get winter snowstorms around here, the wind patterns usually move them around the “bowl.”

    About once or twice every winter, Portland will see a real proper dumping of snow (1-2”) and ice (up to 1/2”). This causes the city to shut down for two or three days… Working part time at the 7-11 in my neighborhood (and being the closest employee to the store) I usually work every “snow day” and get to see everyone’s reaction.

    Native-born Oregonians just shrug, buy a six pack of beer, and otherwise stay home enjoying the day off of work watching Netflix. (Transplants from the American Southwest and South tend to adopt this attitude, with newer arrivals still being entertained by the novelty of snow.)

    Midwesterners (like me) and New Englanders that have moved here shake our heads, buy an eighteen pack of beer, and engage each other in ritual verbal combat to determine whom had the roughest winters as a kid. (Anyone rural trumps anyone suburban, suburbs trump cityfolk; MI, WI, and MN trump anyplace besides the Great Plains; Michigan’s UP and rural Maine trump everybody but Alaska.) We go home to play euchre.

    Californians loose their goddamn minds ! They buy enough groceries to feed a family of seven for a month (and they’re doing this at 7-11’s inflated prices), but always seem to forget toilet paper and coffee. They don’t buy beer either, but all try to buy cigarettes secretly without letting their spouse/partner /roommate know…

    Every December. Like clockwork.

  3. Being in Canada we would normally be sitting around 0F this time of the year, but we have been getting warm winds the last 48 hrs and its shot up to 34F or so. (+3C for us).

    Where i work you can see the Northwest territories and its hit -60C with wind chill more than once.

  4. Look at the firewood again. The last stuff I saw was red oak, and something else that would be good for cooking over. I have a bag of oak in the stock for the smoker now. It’s a mild flavor smoke, not a real pronounced flavor like hickory.

    They may be planning for that Christmas smoked pig. Is that Lechon Asado or is asado just roasted?

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