George from The Universal Spectator was kind enough to send me this post from Volokh

According to a 1988 article, the city’s public school system was cracking down on people who falsely claimed minority status when applying for jobs or promotions. Most of these cases involved people claiming Hispanic status, and according to Maria Izarry, “who reviews all cases of race-fraud” for the school system, “We’re talking mostly about Spaniards posing as Hispanics.” 

The SJW stupid has old and deep roots in our system, unfortunately.  What kind of brain can come up with accepting the branches but we rejecting the rest of the tree?  Liberalism, of course. I am glad the effort failed in this case, but it has been successful in another: Israel.

Think about it: The Good Jews lives in the North East, votes democrat and does all kind of silly things for the party. They are thus a protected species, a loved minority to defend. But the same does not apply to the evil Jews (AKA The Joos!) living in Israel who are oppressors of the poor Palestinians keeping them in concentration camps-like  which are the Occupied Territories.

And don’t imagine for one second that they will not try this idiocy with the Hispanics again. George Zimmerman was tagged White Hispanic so the accusations of racism would stick.

It is a devious little scheme.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on ““Spaniards posing as Hispanics.” … Say what?”
  1. One does have to appreciate the Woke knowledge of culture & geography.
    To the Left, all that land south of the Texas border is all Mexico, full of nothing but Spanish speakers.
    Kind of like they see Asia as basically one country like Europe, with different regional foods.

  2. The ones who are fired can solve this by filing a Federal discrimination lawsuit. State law or not, the Fed law is pretty specific. I am betting chances of success are high.

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