David Hogg hates Conservatives, Republicans, gun owners, NRA members, and Trump supporters.

He called us child murderers with blood on our faces.

His pillow company didn’t start out as a good idea to do some good.  He literally started it to put MyPillow out of business because he hates Mike Lindell for being a Trump supporter.

Hogg’s entire rise to fame and grift was because of his insane vitriol directed at people who had nothing to do with the shooting that he made himself famous because of.

He wants to torment Conservatives by trending his spite pillow on social media.

But out of the other side of his face he’s claiming he just wants to do good, make money to pay for his PTSD therapy from the shooting, and spread the love, how dare you criticize him.

This is nothing new.  That was his shtick.

“You’re a murder you evil gun owner.”

“Don’t yell at me I’m just a child.”

Now he’s an adult at the top rated and most privileged university in the Western Hemisphere, and he’s still pulling that shit.

“I’m the founder/president of a multi-million dollar valuation startup with an education from Harvard and frequent appearances on major media networks, and I will bully you from among the most privileged positions in modern America.”

“Don’t criticize me, I’m just a kid with PTSD.”

It’s even more tiresome this time around.

Spread the love

By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Spite Pillow founder reminds you that hate is bad”
  1. IIRC, Davey wasn’t in the building where the shooting was taking place.

    He and AOC would make a lovely couple.

    1. Please please please tell me Kyle Kashuv’s pillows come with a holster on the underside.

      #GunPillow #ShutUpAndTakeMyMoney

      (Haha! I typed that before I clicked the link! Haha!)

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