This is a followup to Miguel’s post The Legal Aid Society demand NYPD to cease arrests because of Wuhan virus Pandemic.

Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley of The Squad was on Al Sharpton’s MSNBC show to talk about the Coronavirus.

Watch this and listen carefully.

Did you catch that?

According to the Congresswoman, convicted criminals are just like the low income and senior citizens, they are part of America’s most vulnerable.

No.  These are people who preyed on America’s most vulnerable.  They broke the law and hurt others.  Coronavirus is not an excuse to let them off lightly.

Her assertion shows that she believes that these people are victims and not perpetrators.

What exactly does she expect criminals with commuted sentences to do?  They likely do not have a place to live or any financial savings that allow them to socially isolate.  Where are they going to go and what are they going to do?

Not just does the Left want to give criminals a free pass for crime during the Coronavirus outbreak, but they want to let criminals who are currently incarcerated out into the wild to join the hunt.

I fundamentally don’t understand it, but the Left truly loves violent offenders more than law-abiding citizens.


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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Squad member shows how the Left really feels about criminals because of the Coronavirus”
  1. The left loves violence. They don’t admire Che despite his mass murder; they love him BECAUSE of his mass murder.

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