Following a woman through a store while harassing her after she tells you to leave her alone is a good way to get your ass kicked where I live.

Just make sure to glove up before knocking some mask Nazi’s teeth out, to prevent the spread of COVID.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Stalking and harassing a woman is good, if it’s because of a mask”
  1. Total nutter butter, hope the lady who had the brass ones to stand up to Mr. Future Fertilizer gave the tall fella who never took his hands out of his pockets and just watched a good dressing down.

    Geeze. The jackwagon tucked tail and ran FAST when he saw he didn’t have the crowd on his side I can’t imagine what he’d have done if he’d run across a good ol southern gal just waiting to let go some pent up aggression at the state of things in a legally justifiable manner.

    1. I think I would have walked to the restrooms, and if he followed me in there, I’d have beat his stalker butt.

  2. Just make sure to glove up before knocking some mask Nazi’s teeth out, to prevent the spread of COVID.

    I know a good attorney that would help me sue that guy for infecting me by making me knock his teeth out. Even more so if — as would actually happen — I only parked my cart in that 6-foot space between them, and he took offense and threw the first punch.

    Not saying it would or should go that far. Just that sometimes it’s handy to have “that kind” of lawyer on your side. LOL! 😀

  3. Glove up with those combat gloves they been advertising on stupid book…. the ones with the hard shell over the knuckles

  4. This is why I carry pepper spray. I attempt to walk away while loudly telling you to leave me alone, ensuring that the entire crowd nearby hears me. If my attempt to disengage is unsuccessful, you get a face full of pepper spray. That cloth mask doesn’t work for shit, and I am going to prove it.

    1. That was my exact thought Divemedic. A chicom paper mask doesn’t do much to stop a stream of Sabre Red or Fox Labs 5.3 and dude has escalated well past the point where you could articulate hosing that shithead down with aerosolized hot sauce.

      Also would have been a much more satisfying to see Mr. Tommy Bahama writhing on the ground with his eyes on fire.

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