Darren Campbell is fighting for his life in the hospital, critically injured after being shot multiple times, police said, outside a Miami Hooters on Saturday night.

Campbell was out to dinner with his 8-year-old daughter when he was gunned down, according to officials, by a woman named Quanesha Lewis.
“Miss Lewis, you were arrested for one count of attempted first-degree murder and one count of child abuse,” said Judge Mindy Glazer.
Lewis stood in front of a judge Tuesday after police said she initially fled to Tampa and then a day later returned to speak to detectives.

Father hospitalized after shooting outside Hooters restaurant in Miami

You shot somebody and ran away? Ouch, that is not going to help you in court, but you know what is worse? Not being innocent.

It all started, according to police, inside the Hooters on Coral Way near 33rd Avenue. There was some sort of altercation between Campbell, Lewis and the rest of her family.

Lewis told detectives that Campbell initially came to their table and asked if they drove certain vehicles. That’s when she says Campbell told them to “tip your waitress or I’m going to slash all four of your tires.”

When Lewis went to move their cars, she claims, “the victim began to make threats towards them, charged at them, and proceeded by reaching with his right hand in his pocket…”

It is a nice believable story, right? Out of the blue, an unknow person threatens your vehicle and then makes a furtive movement. Next come the alleged magic words:

She went on to say that “she was in fear for her life and that was why she shot the victim.”

That’s it! She is free to go! We have been told over and over through the years that once you say the magic words, the cops have to let you go free or else you are a victim of racism!

Not so fast, Sparky. In order to claim SYG and anything else Self-Defense you need to fulfill the Five Elements of Self Defense: Innocence, imminence, proportionality, avoidance and reasonableness.

But witnesses told officers that Campbell shouted, “Stop! Get away from me, I don’t want to fight.”
Detectives stated in an arrest report, “based on the video footage from Hooters, it appears that the victim was attempting to leave, seen walking away holding hands with his daughter. At no point in the video do you see the defendant attempting to retreat, call the police, or walk away…”

Ouch. You screwed up the first Principle: Innocence.  Not only you ran away from the scene of a shooting you created, but you lied to the cops when you got back, probably after they had all the evidence gathered. Your claim of Self-Defense and SYG is “by thine own hand, revoked.”

We use our firearm in defense of life, not in defense of Ego.



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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

8 thoughts on “Stand Your Ground: This is not how it works.”
    1. Hooters isn’t a den of iniquity. The kid wouldn’t see anything inside a Hooters that she didn’t see on the street or the beach in Miami. Plus they have great wings and sandwiches (I’ve been told).
      But if you’re offended by orange shorts, you shouldn’t go there.

      1. That’s why I’m asking. German here, we don’t have Hooters 😀

        Re orange shorts: depends on who’s wearing them. And given Miami there is a high probability that someone is wearing them who should not wear them 😀

        1. Fair enough. A lot of people here in the U.S. think Hooters is a topless bar, or something, and get all preachy, when they’ve never seen one. (People judging something they know nothing about? When does that ever happen?)
          And, Miami or not, the people (waitresses) wearing orange shorts in Hooters are not people who shouldn’t be wearing them. Or so I’ve been told.

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