Starbucks can do no right.

That’s the problem with getting into bed with the Left.

To make this story short:

Starbucks sent out a memo saying that baristas can’t wear any Black Lives Matter stuff at work because as a company policy, employees can’t wear clothes, buttons, stickers, etc. that advocate for a political, religious, or personal issue.

You don’t want you go to Starbucks and get prosthelytized to.  They tried that with Race Together after the Treyvon Martin shooting and it was a disaster.

So Starbucks went neutral.

Starbucks is getting attached with #BoycottStarbucks trending on Twitter.

So Starbucks has reversed course, is letting baristas display Black Lives Matter stuff at work and customers who just want a cup of coffee without a side of politics are out of luck.

Starbucks gets political and people hate it.

They become neutral and the Left attacks them and they become political again, pissing off customers.

It’s time Starbucks gives up.

The board should shut the whole company down, cash out, and walk away.

Anything else will just cause another disastrous cycle of policy flip-flops and boycotts.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Starbucks just needs to fold”
  1. If I order a cup o’ Joe, black, am I culturally appropriating? If I order a Latte, will I offend by not being sympathetic to the black coffee? F**k it, I’m going home and put some “Black Rifle Coffee” in the maker and enjoy.

  2. I thought about it and realized I haven’t been in an actual Starbucks store in at least a year. If they go bust I will miss a convenient punching bag, but not their expensive fancy coffee. It’s not like I can’t patronize any of the dozens of local coffee shops or make it myself

  3. Their first mistake was to bend the knee to the progtards cancel culture years ago. Once they gave them an inch, the progtards went for the yugular as they love weak prey.

    1. Remember that they are part of that culture. But they forgot the example of what happened to Lev Trotsky…
      All I get at Starbucks is an occasional bag of espresso-roast coffee beans.

  4. About ten years ago I used to get their iced coffee. It was kinda good. Then my wife discovered their coffee-flavored ice cream, but they apparently don’t sell it anymore. So I haven’t been in one in over a year.
    They apparently never heard about feeding the crocodile. Too bad for them.

  5. what is this happening in this world. This year 2020 is not going the way we expected it to be. Ufff, by the way, thankyou for making us aware of the social issues. Keep posting.

  6. Stopped by one last week for macchiato. This is supposed to be just espresso with a dash of milk froth. I’ve ordered this all over the world, and I get espresso with a dash of milk froth.
    What I got was more like coffee flavored sugar syrup concentrate.

    Of course, they are the official beverage provider for Karens, and other coffee drinkers who hate coffee.

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