This from Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez:

Most people are focusing on the part about rioting.

I’m focusing on the part comparing Americans to Palestinians.

The Woke, antisemitic Left has justified Palestinian terrorism, the murder of Jews, bombings, and shootings in the name of Palestinian oppression.

There is no attack on Israel, no number of Jewish children murdered, that the Left can’t somehow rationalize and justify in the name of Palestinian rights.

If that is the standard by which American minorities will be judged, God help us.

They could bomb a school bus full of white kids and the Left will say something about “power plus prejudice” and how not expecting your kids to ne murdered on their way to school in the morning is privilege that you just have to check.

I’m not guaranteeing that she meant that, but I not going to give her the benefit of the doubt.



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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Statement by AOC is more dangerous than people think”
  1. There’s no real difference between this and what MA AG Maura Healey said a week ago — in spite of which she is still in office and hasn’t even been significantly denounced. As far as I know, no objections have been raised by the RINO governor, for example. Not that his brains are any more functional than his principles, admittedly…

  2. AOC is the poster child for why I say leftists are nothing more than toddlers.

    “It’s not OK to do it to me, but it is OK for me to do it to you.” Where have I heard that before? Oh, that’s right, on the playground in first grade.
    “You are oppressing me by not giving me exactly what I want as soon as I want it.” Granted, oppressing is a word your average five year old will not use, but the point is the same.
    “I HATE you!” That becomes most parents first name for a few years with kids between about seven and 10 years old.

    Seriously, not kidding, this woman has no idea what she just said, or that she just approved/supported terrorism. You are absolutely correct, there are people who will see her statement as an OK to go forward and demonize, dehumanize, and outright attack those that disagree with their ideals.

    There is NO justification for rioting. None, ever. I’m not talking about people taking up arms against an illegal/oppressive government. I am talking about wanton destruction, looting, mayham. And, Alexandria DonkeyChompers has just equated illegal rioting to a struggle for freedom against a truly oppressive tyrannical government. (And, yes, the US government does have its flaws, but oppression and tyranny are not among them, despite what the leftists say.)

    1. “Oppression” in today’s Woke Generation is the same as “That’s Not Fair!” from yesterday’s toddlers.

      In both cases, it roughly translates as, “Not what I want”. Nothing more, nothing less.

      Does real oppression happen? Sure it does. Nobody is denying that.

      But is it everyday, constant, and so mainstream that it not just affects, but controls every single interaction between people with different melanin concentrations? No. No, it does not.

      Not every negative outcome is due to individual or systematic racism, and not every person with skin lighter than yours is racist.

  3. AOC: Once someone doesn’t have access to clean water, they have no choice but to riot.

    Excuse me? Did my town not get that message?

    The river system that feeds my town’s water supply had a “toxic blue algae bloom” a couple years ago. The algae produces a cyanotoxin, which causes damage to nervous systems. The whole public water system was declared unsafe to drink, and the city recommended bathing and washing dishes as little as possible.

    By definition, the whole town didn’t have access to clean water.

    The local government did what it could to distribute bottled water, but only had so much available. The fire department in the next town over (which uses a different water source) offered to let people come and fill their jugs at the station there. Some people took trips to other towns, others trusted their activated-charcoal filters (which work to filter the cyanotoxins). We survived, and it lives on in local lore as the “2018 Water Crisis”. We’ll tell the story to our grandkids. 😉

    But did we riot? No. We chose to do something else, something more productive.

    Ditto for the people of Flint, Michigan, who STILL don’t fully have access to clean water. They didn’t riot, either.

    Rioting is a choice. It’s always a choice, and there’s always another, non-rioting choice, IF you care to find it.

    I’m calling B.S. on AOC’s entire response.

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