I checked out a few of the pictures from #NationalWalkoutDay.

It it evident from the get-go that this really had nothing to do with Parkland or ending gun violence as it was a straight up anti-gun march to push Democrat talking points.

There were lots of kids holding lots of signs that were so bad it made my head hurt.  None of these kids were challenged to think critically about what they wrote on their signs, but were celebrated by the media and Left Wing politicians as the moral leaders of the age.

I’ve seen this sign before, at the Women’s March.  Since the Student Walkout was backed by the Women’s March, it makes sense that they are going to recycle the signs.  This is just as stupid now as it was the first time.  Guns don’t have rights, people do, and name me one restriction placed on your vagina that isn’t placed on a gun.  I’ll wait.

This is just like the feminists bitching that The Handmaid’s Tale is poignant in America with Pence as VP, even through it nearly perfectly represents Iran under Islam.  The only places in the world where vaginas are more oppressed than guns is in backwards, totalitarian, Islamic hellholes.  Which the feminists won’t criticize.


This is the same sign as above but instead of claiming victim status for being female, he’s claiming victim status for being black.  It still makes no sense.  In fact, it may make less sense.

The same Constitution that protects my right to own guns, explicitly bans my right to own black people.  I’m pretty sure banning black people from entering private businesses is illegal.  So I’m not sure where he’s going with this.


If the 2A isn’t for protecting citizens, what is it there for?  Has anybody taught this girl history or civics?

I agree that there is over militarization of police, but I’m not sure what that has to do with this.  When I read about a SWAT team with surplus M-16 kicking in a paralyzed man’s door because he has too many refills of his pain meds, that’s over militarization.  When some nut job goes into a school with a gun and starts shooting students, sending in some cops with M-16’s after him is a good idea.

Nikolas Cruz shot up Parkland because his great-great-great grandparents were slaves?  What?  What does reparations have to do with school shootings?  Nothing, but some teacher stuck this victim mentality in your head and now you are at a protest.

Nice drawing kid.  Is that a spear?


I doubt that she has ever bought a gun.  Also, political donations are protected free speech.  Lastly, I wonder what she thinks about Planned Parenthood donations.  It’s only “buying” a politician when the other side does it.


So the NRA = USA = KKK.  That sort of insulting factual inaccuracy is sure to win hearts and minds.  The only cowards in the Parkland situation were the deputies of the BSO.

“Fuck you guns” is a really in depth analysis of the issue of gun rights and gun violence prevention.

Ah yes, the “the NRA banned the study of gun deaths” bullshit again.  The CDC was being used to push gun control legislation.  Where as other risk assessments are used to make products safer – e.g., mandating seat belts, air bags, anti-lock brakes – this was intended only to bolster a politically driven ban.

This, again, has nothing to do with school shootings.

What I want to know is which teacher told that kid to make that sign, because I was 5 in 1988.  I’m not sure how a high school kid would know about the Reagan AIDS controversy.


No they are not toys, no one is playing with guns in classrooms.  This is non nonsensical.  Fire extinguishers are not toys, do they not belong in classrooms either?


Of all the pictures I saw, this one was by far the most honest.  The kid had an excuse to go home and drink soda so he did.  He didn’t give a shit about anything other than not being in class.

At lest he was honest about his truancy.

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By J. Kb

5 thoughts on “Stay in school kids”
  1. The moronic girls holding the trio of signs are the worst.
    1. The NRA help blacks with getting guns to defend against the KKK.
    2. Guns are great to prevent sexual assaults, so how is that cowardly?
    3. The crudeness of the third sign speaks for itself. Do not date these losers!

  2. The CDC was never banned from studying so-called “gun violence”, they were banned from using taxpayer money for it.

    1. And the reason it was an issue is that they weren’t doing research, they were creating political propaganda.

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