“The Internet has become one of the major and most dynamic modes of communication,” the report warns. “The Internet can link people, groups and organizations together instantly. Moreover, it allows an extraordinary amount of unregulated data and information to be located in one area and available to all. The right wing has seized upon the Internet as a means of communicating its ideas to people. Moreover, evidence exists that Republican staffers surf the Internet, interacting with extremists in order to exchange ideas and information.”

via Released! Clinton files on media enemies.

That is a partial from a document called: “The Communication Stream of Conspiracy Commerce,” written by the Clinton Administration (possibly Hillary herself) and bitching about the freedom of the Internet. 

There is no doubt that the Internet was a game changer in the fight for Gun Rights. The Establishment could no longer control neither the flow of information nor the grouping of like-minded individuals and its eventual organization into a more cohesive and effective group which is a tough thing to do when you are trying to herd a bunch of individualists.

I said it in a past post and I will repeat it again: If Al Gore (A.K.A. the Father of the Internet ) would have thought the Interwebs would create this much trouble,  he would have strangled that baby with its umbilical cord.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

2 thoughts on “Still trying to play catch up.”
  1. it’s not “speech”, since it’s all encoded in 1s and 0s inside a computer someplace. so it’s “data”, and we can regulate “data.” all your data are belong to us!

  2. Substitute the word right for left, communicating for trolling, and Republican for Democrat and we have it closer to the truth.

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