Murphy Robinson, executive director of public safety has a few choice words to say about the “peaceful protesters” that graced Denver with their presence.


“I want to be clear, what we experienced last night was not a protest. It was anarchy,” said Murphy Robinson, executive director of public safety. “The people that showed up last night — the anarchists that showed up last night — brought weapons to the table. They had guns, they brought explosives, axes, machetes and had one intent purpose and that was to harm our officers that were there to serve in the line of duty to protect our city.”

“The narrative that these anarchists are marching for justice of Black lives is frankly false,” said Robinson, who is Black. “The public needs to know that you do not represent us. Stop using the color of my skin as an excuse to tear up my city.”

Police: 12 arrested, 1 officer hurt during riot in Denver

Let’s see if he means what he said or it is just pretty words to calm the populace.  Ihave the feeling that Antifa will come back, heads will be busted and the usual suspects will appear condemning the cops for their brutality and defend the Black Block’s First Amendment Right to Burn Loot and Murder

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

One thought on ““Stop using the color of my skin as an excuse to tear up my city.””
  1. I stayed for the entire segment. I think they mean it. Did you get to the part where they intend to ignore the covid regulations and stuff as many people as they need to in jail. They also pointed out that the protest started peaceful but then the useful idiots were obviously infiltrated by the professionals. They gave a blow by blow account of what everyone but the left have been saying all along.

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