One of the Twitter accounts I follow is Stop Antisemitism, which is associated with the Jewish group  They are an organization that combats antisemitism online.

Today they posted this:

I’m thinking about a new organization. StopAntisemitismWithAChainsaw.

When you think it’s funny to photoshop swastikas onto the first Orthodox Jewish First Grandchildren because you don’t like their grandfather, we need to have a sit down. A beer summit if you will.  You, me, and Mr. Stihl WoodBoss.

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By J. Kb

14 thoughts on “StopAntisemitismWithAChainsaw”
  1. Nice, sign me up Sir. I will come help…
    they do it because they know there will be no consequences for them….

    1. Not relevant. Dueling involves two people who have a concept of honor. No such concept exists within a country mile of the vermin in question.

  2. As if this…drekoid.. would (a) comprehend “values”, in any manner, let alone (b) ” illustrate the actual values of this abhorrent (sic) family…” Which assumes, contra evidence, that he knows the freaking area code of “a clue”, let alone has one.

    So, Stephan Harper: show me one single death camp, that the Trump administration set up. One re education camp. One single soul detained because s/he was Jewish.

    DAMF. I’d call him a piece of shit, but actual shit would be offended by the attack on shit’s good name.

  3. Contact Apple books. Get his ass canceled. Alinski’s rules: force your opponent to live up to his own standards

  4. Watching all the SJW’s defend Disney de-personing an independent, strong, female actress, I have no doubt they would twist themselves in knots defending this as not actual anti-semitic trash.

    “Something something Trump is a nazi blah blah”

  5. Wait. Why not just use the wood chippers from earlier this week? They’re not just for people who drive kids to suicide.

  6. BTW — the other flag is a Roman SPQR. The guy who DIDN’T get us into a war over seas is the imperial one? WTF?

  7. The date stamp on Harper’s tweet is 2/11. That would be after Trump left office. I hope they sue him and Twitter into bankruptcy, on behalf of the children, who are definitely not public figures.

    1. Since the tweet was yesterday, Harper should know there are kids in cages now. The same cages originally built by the Obama/Biden administration, used by Trump/Pence and now being used by Biden/Harris.

      I guess cages only count when a Republican uses somebody else’s.

  8. I bet, if pressed, Harper could not name a single hateful thing Trump actually did. Not one.

    Yes, I am sure he will talk the “fine people” or muslim ban, but those are misrepresentation of the facts and Harper knows it.

    But, Trump is a hater because… reasons.

    I have had about enough of the left. Seriously, I am done with it. Just because I do not agree 100% with their view of the world, makes me a hater. When the real haters are free to spread their hatred, and they get support from the media, courts, and the politicians.

  9. Which Stephan J Harper is this? The name that pops up when I search is a former Canadian prime minister. Is that who wrote this? Or a different person who happens to have the same name?

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