This is a song (hymn) from a video game I know nothing about and have never played, because I really don’t play video games.

As I understand it’s sung by the bad guys who are members of a right wing cult that is supposed to be based on Republicans.

Knowing how far left the video game industry is and what the far left believes, this is unironically awesome.

Every word of it is gospel truth and I’d sing the shit out of this.

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By J. Kb

8 thoughts on “Sunday Music”
  1. I have played the game, and the irony is the end reveals that the bad guys were right. TEOTWAWKI happens, and it turns out everything the cult was doing was trying to ‘save’ as many people as possible before it happened, whether they were willing or not.
    And that song could apply to most of the hero characters in the game as well.

  2. Good to know all this; I’m sort of a gamer, having started playing text-only games on a DOS computer back in the late 1980’s, and I’ve mostly had fun with the Far Cry series. I had not bought FC 5 because the capsule summaries of the plot all indicated what J KB said, i.e., that it was a slam-fest against people who think as I do about most things. I don’t pay money (knowingly, anyway) to be lectured by idiots or leftists. (I know, that’s redundant, but whatever.) Knowing what you guys have provided here, however, I’ll go ahead and get it when it’s on sale. And yes, that song is excellent!
    Have a great week, y’all. 🙂

    1. The game has been out a few years, I would try to get a used copy to deny any direct support of the producers. There is no doubt the writers intended it to be an insult against ‘right wingers’ , but not actually having associated with any, they accidentally praised them. Never mind that the ‘bad’ part of the ‘bad guys’ is that they forcibly drug and brainwash their followers into a explicitly non-Christian religion. Note that the writers only consider the ‘religious’ and pseudo Christian propaganda to be the bad part, as the endgame vindicates everything else the ‘bad guys’ did as being justified, and the ‘heroes’ as being ineffectual idiots who get everybody killed. But the writers are just bad people who didnt anticipate that people wouldn’t catch on to their brilliant writing and realize that the player was supposed to root for the ‘cool’ bad guys, and not like the ‘stupid’ rednecks that they are tasked with helping.

  3. I’ve listened to that song 4-5 times now and if they’re trying to make fun of “rIgHt WiNgErS” then . . . they failed. It does make me chuckle, knowing how far left a lot of musicians I know are, the thought of a bunch of statist set musicians holding their nose singing this or trying to make fun of their opponents . . . and the song has the opposite effect.

    Pretty much sounds like most of the people I associate with and we may lean “right” but were all pretty firmly in the minarchist/agorist/voluntaryist camps.

    Once again, the left proves it can’t meme.

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