And fun was had. It was great to finally shake hands and see faces behind the names, nicknames and URLs. I always enjoy meeting people who gather around guns just to remind me how different we all are in real life but how the Second Amendment and the thirst for Freedom gets us together.

Here are some pics.

KODAK Digital Still Camera

Doing the introduction thing,

Lovely wives making sure the husbands did not end up in need of bail money
Our lovely hostess, The Queen Of The World,  kicked Borpatch’s ass, but it seem his cranium is hard indeed.  We are truly appreciative of her efforts to keep us comfortable and fed.
Santa was checking the naughty list.
There were cans to be pewpewed
There were moments of heart palpitation when this gizmo showed up. But it ended up being the evilest of water guns. 


For being the first one, I can’t say it went bad at all. The basic premise was ” See how many show up, maybe some shooting and chat” and that was achieved. I heard the final number of participants was 19 which was a nice surprise.

Borepatch wants to have another done in February and I am all for it. I know some that could not make it for sudden health and other reasons and are pissed they missed it.

So, thank you Borepatch and The Queen Of The World for having us around.

Spread the love

By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “SW Fla Blogshoot.”
  1. Congrats on the fun and safe ending, were I not relocated in the Godless yankee north I’d have loved to have shown up, maybe next time!

    That super soaker deal looks amazing as well.

    1. thats my Flammerwerfer (flamethrower) couldn’t light it up due to burn restrictions but I -could- demonstrate the basics as a flamethrower IS a giant squit gun of sorts LOL

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