Chicago saw its highest number of gun violence victims in a single weekend this year with 102 people shot across the city from Friday evening to Monday morning, 14 of them fatally. Five of those killed were minors.

The weekend saw more shooting victims but less fatalities than the last weekend of May, when 85 people were shot, 24 of them fatally — Chicago’s most deadly weekend in years.

In a Sunday news conference, Chicago Police Supt. David Brown reflected on the surge in gun violence. “Bullets don’t just tear apart the things they strike,” Brown said. “Bullets also tear apart families. Bullets destroy neighborhoods and they ruin any sense of safety in a community.”

102 shot, 14 fatally, over Father’s Day weekend in Chicago

This is the kind of news item that makes you go “Do I have enough magazines loaded?”

The question that is buzzing in my head is: what’s the end game in destructing the police force? Force the governor to call the National Guard? He is also a Democrat, so his reputation will be affected negatively. Are they seriously expecting for President Trump to intervene and then call him the dictator they always suspected? I have the strange feeling he know it and he will let them play till they burn themselves out.  Much like W.O.P.R.

Or maybe, just like in War Games, they started something that they thought could control, but took on a life of its own and they can’t find the off switch.

I’ll be humming something from the Blues Brothers for a while:

Come on
Baby don’t you wanna go
Baby dont you wanna go
Back to that same old place
Oh sweet home Chicago.

Hat Tip R.K.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

7 thoughts on “Sweet Home Chicago: 102 shot, 14 killed this past weekend.”
  1. “Are they seriously expecting for President Trump to intervene and then call him the dictator they always suspected?”

    Yes, that’s exactly what they are trying to do.

  2. >> …they started something that they thought could control…

    A scene from “Cabaret” has been going through my mind a lot lately as all this unchecked violence and destruction has unfolded across the US.

    Michael York’s character asks an officer about the Hitler youth: “Do you still think you can control them?”

  3. Well, it was a holiday weekend. Juneteenth is just too significant to be restricted to a single day.

  4. They had another great weekend on May 30-31 with Twenty Nine (29) Dead and Sixty Five Wounded (65). That was the weekend the riots reached Chicago. None of them were shot by police, ZERO.

  5. Since none were killed by the police BLM doesn’t care. Black lives don’t matter unless the police can be blamed

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