2011 Florida IDPA State Championship (Day two)
Instead of regaling you with tales of my catastrophic performance accompanied by equally disgusting videos, I’ll take the chance to post about an intriguing development. Right after the raffle and before the awards ceremony, two gentlmen whose names I could not hear (The PA went Tango Uniform) introduced themselves as from IDPA HQ and announced that contrary to internet “rumors, there were nothing to the wildly reported statements that no SOs from Florida were being accepted. Other than the fact that every SO I know and contacted HQ to volunteer was given the runaround and one was flatly told by an official to butt out, apparently it is only a “rumor” and that the Florida SOs will have as many spots as they want because they are expecting 500 shooters to attend the WC. I think I heard that 140 SOs will be needed which is a significant number.
The other thing they mentioned was the point system and that people were upset about not having enough points to attend the world championship. It must have been that I was way back from the gentlemen because I could not tell if there will be a point system or not or WTH. Apparently HQ is sorely pissed that USPSA will be holding the Nationals on the same weekend as IDPA’s World Cup and with 500 slots to fill, they will be needing every Tom, Dick and Harry who wants to pay the fee for the match. Also the big shooters are going to the USPSA Match and thus go the Sponsors and so goes the money/raffle/prized & assorted goodies. A half empty World cup would be a nasty black eye for the sport.
It is very funny that USPSA turned out to be the best ally for IDPA shooters.
And for my shooting at the Florida Match? Let’s say that the last event that had so many points down was the Market Crash that led to The Depression, OK? But I did have a bucketful of fun!