They start with a seemingly innocent question.

And they start with a couple of examples where “peaceful protesters” were merciless mowed down by cars driven by people with  apparent no social conscience. Climb in the hood of a vehicle to make him stop? Good protester. Drive away with the protester still attached ? Evil person.

And then this:

Under Florida law, drivers and pedestrians share the burden of staying out of each other’s way. But when pedestrians are protesters, Tampa Bay law enforcement has often faulted those on two feet.

The Tampa Police Department said both incidents remain under investigation. There have also been close calls in St. Petersburg, where police have started ticketing protesters. Both cities say they do not plan to change their approach to policing protesters. A St. Petersburg police spokeswoman said “we have not encountered incidents where motorists have been at fault.”

Ouch, a dose of common sense applied. But of course, them Eeeevil cops are gonna side with the drivers and not the righteous people that want cops defunded and psychopaths’ dealt with by recent graduates of Social Studies from the local community college.

But it is the next two paragraphs that set the final tone of the article”

But incidents of motorists driving into protesters have become increasingly common over the past five years, said a terrorism researcher who’s been tracking cases. He has recorded at least 75 incidents across the nation over the past two months.

What motivated drivers in these incidents — anger, confusion, fear — is unknown. But ramming protesters has emerged as a tactic of right-wing extremists, such as white supremacists, who have spread the perception that drivers have the right to run over demonstrators.

So what is the inferred conclusion?

 Anybody that runs past a riot on the streets and highways is a Right-Wing extremists and White supremacists supported by our local cops. Therefore, Tampa Bay Cops and others in the Sunshine State are White Supremacist Right-Wing Extremists. 

This is basically a call for rioting in the streets to denounce a KKK-Style police and have it defunded.

If you keep reading, you will finally meet the “terrorism” research made by one  Ari Weil, researcher at the Chicago Project on Security and Threats. And even though the TBT just said that ramming has emerged as a tactic for the right Wing, there is only one “proven” case mentioned:  Charlottesville.

And then he drops this comparison:

Weil explored the subject for his master’s thesis, finding that vehicle attacks became increasingly popular in the 2010s among western jihadists, Palestinian nationalists and, in the U.S. and Europe, the far right.

Muslim terrorist with a truck mowing civilians just living their lives is the same thing as Uncle Patrick trying to go home and being blocked by a mob cursing him and threatening with ending his life or at least fuck him up.

But I have to admit I am confused: I thought Muslim Terrorists were a protected political sub-species, yet the TBT is throwing them under the bus (pun intended) to make a case for a local violent riot?  so they are expendable People Of Color after all.

Long live the Revolution’s omelet!

Hat Tip Roger G.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.

6 thoughts on “Tampa Bay Times wishing for local Riots?”
  1. Under Florida law, drivers and pedestrians share the burden of staying out of each other’s way.

    Sure, and a lot of other places as well.

    On the pedestrian’s part, it’s usually to watch for traffic; not starting into the road until traffic is clear; cross at a corner or a designated crosswalk; and cross in an expeditious manner. (YMMV depending on the state; coastal California pedestrians are notorious for acting like the road is their personal playground.)

    So, I promise to try really, really hard to not hit protesters who are crossing the road in a legal manner.

  2. This weekend a guy purposefully crossed the median to run over protesters. They were back-the-blue type marchers and he was a BLM a–wipe.

    I’ve not heard of incidents were anyone intentionally tried to hit BLM or Antifa types. Been mobbed by them and hit a few while escaping, yes. Accidentally hit a few while the mob was illegally blocking a highway, yes. But intentionally? No.

    Even Charlottesville started with the guy’s car getting mobbed.

      1. *sigh* to clarify, all of the actions described are consistent with past reports of both sides’ behavior. To wit, the BLM/protest crowd initiates violence, while the rest of us generally don’t.

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