Green Party vice-presidential candidate Ajamu Baraka took to his blog to call for United Nations investigation and oversight of US police forces because of all the killing of black men they seem to have been doing recently.

Keep in mind that this is the same UN that failed to stop the genocide in Rwanda as well as other crimes against humanity in other nations like Haiti and Bosnia.

This is also the same UN that treats refugee centers like a harem, exchanging food for sex, and raping underage girls.

But sure… let these people in to control our police forces.

I don’t know if this is Baraka’s personal opinion or Green Party policy.  What I do know is that if this ever happened, blue helmets make great target practice.



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By J. Kb

2 thoughts on “Target Practice”
  1. Let slip those last two links and then send them to “inspect” our prisons. You know how convicted felons treat pedophiles?

    (No, I’m not insinuating that the average neo-nazi serial killer has better moral fiber than the average UN inspector. I’m saying it outright. The average neo-nazi serial killer has better moral fiber than the average UN inspector.)

  2. I’m just saying it, so don’t take it as a threat.

    If U.N. “peacekeepers” come in to “oversee” our domestic police forces, they will be treated as what they are: A foreign occupying force.

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