Two ARs, a Glock 19, and some sort of scattergun I can’t identify.

Doesn’t Congresswoman Boebert know the acceptable background for a Zoom call is a shelf full of books that you’ve never read and know nothing about but have been put together by a consultant to make you look smart and well read.

As per safe storage, I’d only have an issue of she leaves them there, but if she pulled them out to display them (which is what it looks like), then it’s fine as long as she’s in control of the situation.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Teasing Leftists on Zoom”
  1. Looks more like a Glock 26 to me.

    The 19 is a full-size. That’s a baby.

    But yeah, coming from someone who has sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution (including all ten Amendments), it says more about Rep. Katie Porter than about Lauren Boebert.

    1. Then again, how many politicians do you know, in all three branches combined, who obey the Constitution and take it seriously? Can you count them on the thumbs of two hands?

  2. Luv all the “know it all Pauls” on twitter sayin thats not how you store guns…..duh. I bet she knows that. Dam if I wasc20 years younger id be camped on her door step….

  3. Looks like one of the neutered saiga shotguns to me, and good on her for displaying em.

    If others get to play games with their background why not we.

  4. My Grandmother would ‘store’ a loaded revolver on a night stand. The whipping you would get if you touched it ensured ‘safe storage’.

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