A recurring talking point from Chicago political officials is that gun violence in Chicago is the fault of neighboring states that don’t have the gun laws that Illinois and Chicago have.

It’s never Chicago’s fault, it’s always Indiana or Wisconsin’s fault that a weekend can’t go by without racking up a double-digit body count in the Windy City.

Say that again.

2 Chicago gangbangers executed 9-year-old in revenge killing against his father’s rival gang: prosecutors

Two reputed Chicago gang members allegedly executed a 9-year-old boy in broad daylight because they sought revenge on the child’s father’s rival gang, which they blamed for gunning down family members, prosecutors said Tuesday.

Tyshawn Lee, 9, was in his school uniform when three men approached him in the South Side of Chicago in November 2015, prosecutors said during opening statements.

Prosecutors said Corey Morgan and Kevin Edwards kept watch while Dwight Doty lured the fourth grader into an alleyway. They said he promised him a juice box.

Doty then took out a .40-caliber handgun and shot Lee, Cook County Assistant State’s Attorney Margaret Hillmann said.

Prosecutors argued that Morgan and Doty targeted the 9-year-old because his father, Pierre Stokes, belongs to a rival gang — the Killa Ward faction of the Gangster Disciples. They said the two blame that gang for a shooting in October 2015 that killed Morgan’s brother and wounded his mother.

Kidnapping and executing a nine-year-old boy isn’t something that happens because of lax gun laws.  This is something that happens because growing up in a crime-ridden, gang-infested neighborhood in Chicago, and becoming members of a violent street gang has turned these two men into monsters with shit for souls.

Gun permits and universal background checks to not stop the evil that is the methodical luring a child from his school with a juice box, to shoot him as a way of getting back at his father.

This is pure, unmitigated evil.

This is why gun control doesn’t work in Chicago.

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By J. Kb

7 thoughts on “Tell me again it is the loose gun laws that cause the problems in Chicago”
  1. I always ask:
    If so many guns are the problem and all those guns come from other states why do those states not have the murder problem Chicago does?
    I always get:
    Either silence, or some gobbledygook

  2. Indeed, Miles. OF COURSE, Chicago’s homicide problem, is simply a bleed over from the hideous death toll in Indiana, Wisconsin, and Iowa, and Kentucky. Why, without the malignant influence of those neighboring stares, all the choir boys would satisfy themselves singing beautiful hymns of praise, while they turned their lives around, and pursued their studies in medicine, theology, and aeronautical engineering.

    There can be no other explanation.

    Except for badthink.

  3. Indeed, Miles. OF COURSE, Chicago’s homicide problem, is simply a bleed over from the hideous death toll in Indiana, Wisconsin, and Iowa, and Kentucky. Why, without the malignant influence of those neighboring stares, all the choir boys would satisfy themselves singing beautiful hymns of praise, while they turned their lives around, and pursued their stories in medicine, theology, and aeronautical engineering.

    There can be no other explanation.

    Except for badthink.

  4. There is a cultural and moral rot in this country that has festered and been encouraged by mass media, entertainment, educational institutions, and even religious organizations.

    People my age and younger (Millennials) look to the Nanny State as the solution instead of the problem. They beg for more of their freedoms to be taken from them and their fellow citizens in the hope that Nanny Gov’t will save them from their own self-destructive beliefs and choices.

    Personal responsibility is dead. Facts are deemed racist and offensive. Fear is petaled through every available medium to influence public opinion in favor of The Narrative. Anyone who goes against The Narrative is put on public trial until they capitulate and apologize for their perceived sins.

    Our history has been rewritten and destroyed the cultural fabric of what it has historically meant to be an American. Young people refuse to see how good they have it and how hard it will be if their proposed socialist solutions replace the freedoms that have allowed them to be so naive.

    This house, as we have know it, will not stand for much longer.

  5. Remember, the street gangs approve Chicago politicians before they’re allowed to run. Capone was an angel compared to modern organized crime.

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