Rep. Cori Bush calls for expulsion of House Republicans who offered Kyle Rittenhouse an internship, says her job feels ‘more and more dangerous’ every day

On Saturday, Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., tweeted out a call for expulsion of House Republicans who are offering internships to Kyle Rittenhouse, an 18-year-old from Wisconsin who was acquitted Friday on five charges related to his fatal shooting of two men and injury of a third during protests in August over the police shooting of Jacob Blake.

“Just being real: every day it feels more and more dangerous coming to work. Not only do these members fuel violence. Now they’re actively recruiting someone whose sole qualification is killing people standing up for Black lives and getting away with it,” Bush tweeted. “They must be expelled.”

I don’t think Kyle should do this because politicians are generally scumbags and they are going to use him like a prop.  Also, Gosar is the political reincarnation of Steve King and is just a piece of shit who should be avoided at all costs.

But expulsion for offering a kid found not guilty by a jury is obscene.

Democrats are constantly telling us we need to hire ex-cons to give them a second chance, but someone acquitted is dangerous.

And dangerous to whom exactly?

Pedophiles and domestic abusers who attack him.

The only reason Kyle would be a danger to Congress is if Congress were a cabal of abusive pedophiles.

Since Rep. Bush wants anyone who invents Kyle into Congress to be expelled, logic suggests that she know that Congress is a cabal of abusive pedophiles.

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By J. Kb

6 thoughts on “Tell me that you know Congress is full of pedophiles and wife-beaters without telling me you know Congress is full of pedophiles and wife-beaters”
  1. I wouldn’t be surpised if he decided to be a lawyer, He certainly got a crash course in criminal law, and will hopefully get a lucrative course in the civil laws about slander and libel too.

    If not for hopefully lots of money from civil suits, my suggestion would be to move someplace friendly and deep red, let things die down for about 15 months, then change his name (if he is Hispanic, to an obvious Hispanic name). Then aftrr he is used to his new name, and has lots of new documentation, move again and become Mr. New Name for ever and ever in a small town or city.

  2. says her job feels ‘more and more dangerous’ every day

    Maybe she should rethink what she is trying to do

    1. She’s not in any more danger than she was before the Rittenhouse verdict came in. By definition, her “fear” is unreasonable (in quotes because I believe she’s grandstanding and doesn’t actually feel afraid to come to work).

      Also, how are those members “fuel[ing] violence”? Please cite specific examples, Ms. Bush.

  3. And here I thought that a Congressperson’s hiring decisions were his/her own business and no one else’s (so long as the hiree can meet all other employment requirements, pass a background check, etc.).

    Silly me! [/sarc]

    OTOH, I agree with most people commenting here so far: Kyle should not accept any of them; at the end of the day, he’d be a prop used for political grandstanding and fundraising, regardless of any good intentions the Congressperson may have in making the offer.

    His best move will be to sue the ever-loving $#!+ out of the mainstream media companies and specific journalists personally — every one of whom should know better by now — for defamation, take his 9-figure settlement, and disappear. Come back somewhere else with a new identity and fully-paid college and retirement funds, finish his education, and do whatever else he wants to do. Maybe write a book in a few years — if he can get Massad Ayoob or Andrew Branca to write the foreword, it’ll sell like hotcakes (Mas can talk about his “‘Cute’ Lawyer Tricks” video, which ADA Binger seemed determined to use as an instruction manual).

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