So ISIS has attacked or “inspired” attacks in the following locations during the last 30 days:

This shows a pattern of expansion on a group that is potentially more dangerous that Al Qeada since it lacks even more a specific organization. At least one European government is telling its citizen to arm themselves to stop terrorists while the others are going fast forward to restrict self-defense even more by banning “assault weapons” and restricting the possession of ammunition .

But we, Gun Owners are the “real threat” to the country.  We are the blood-thirsty animals that need to be put down.

Sorry, but it is getting tiresome.  I am getting to the point that is a major terrorist event should happen to occur in a Liberal/Progressive/Gun Free Zone, my capacity for feeling bad and empathizing with the victims will be almost none. You simply cannot emote positively about the same people who has been branding you genocide because it sounds sexy in their political discourse. Why would I help you when not too long ago you were wishing I was interned in a concentration camp because I exercise the Bill of Rights? Should I provide help and sustenance to the people who calls me fascist and promises to “Bash the Fash”?

Some speak about the balkanization of the country and the death of the Union. Maybe we are heading that way, but I am sure that the Gun Free Zone sections are not going to have a good time as the leaders understand quickly that it is easier to purge the local population than actually face a well armed contender.

I won’t start the fight, but sure as shit I will finish it.

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By Miguel.GFZ

Semi-retired like Vito Corleone before the heart attack. Consiglieri to J.Kb and AWA. I lived in a Gun Control Paradise: It sucked and got people killed. I do believe that Freedom scares the political elites.